
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Traitors' Gate

The burgers are made from horsemeat, the welfare bill is astronomical, the NHS costs more to to run than most world economies and some people are subsidised  by others to live in houses far larger than those others could ever afford. So-called 'Green' energy policies are worse than outright theft and their criminal inefficiency is paid for by everybody with an energy bill yet benefit only rich landowners and massive foreign conglomerates and the latest figures on longevity suggest they will not last out the decade while we have shale gas enough for hundreds of years right here, right now.

We can't deport foreign-born criminals and content ourselves with giving them houses and benefits for life instead. We are not allowed to speak the truth about immigration, crime, cultural ghettoes, invasive Islam or black-on-white hate crime because to do so makes us the criminal. And while we are powerless against the invasion of organised Roma people-trafficking gangs our judiciary will jail an English somebody at the drop of a hat for using a profanity in a built-up area.

Our children are illiterate, our roads are a mess and as the life and aspirations are slowly squeezed from the wheezing, skeletal, walking corpses of those who remain to work and pay taxes to be plundered to fund yet more state lunacy, Ed Miliband deploys his one and only tactical political weapon; the call for yet another public inquiry... into every thing, every day.

Well Ed, I already held the inquiry. And it turns out the blaming finger of fudge is pointing firmly in your direction. You and Balls and Brown and Blair and Wilson and Scargill and Rompuy and Barroso and Marx and Stalin and the shitty Sovietisation of a country that once had the world at its feet. Your brand of toxic socialism has robbed the United Kingdom of dignity and self-belief. You sold our gold, you hobbled our national character and you gave away all that was worthy, leaving us with a cringing population of infantile, politically correct, state-dependent weaklings.

In every corner of public life you have willing dupes, useful idiots and cheerleaders for destructive diversity who will sell their integrity for a footnote in the history of a regime which so despises humanity and individuality that it seeks to make mere objects of us all. Once total control of the population is in the hands of the state, all the things you deride as 'right wing' will come to pass. Eugenics, genocide, torture, incarceration without trial, thought-crime, war, famine, disease and slavery will be seen as normal tools of government, because these are the only ways left when you are in open war with the sheeple.

And even after all that, there could still be a small vestige of forgiveness if you could genuinely claim that you'd done it in honest ignorance of the consequences, in search of a better future for all. If you had the balls to stand up and admit you were wrong, say you are truly sorry and beg for a chance to atone. But you can't really do that, can you? Because every little nail in our national coffin has been lovingly hammered home in a deliberate policy to deliver us, trussed for slaughter, to the nation-devouring abbatoir of the world socialist republic that owns your craven, treacherous soul.

Doesn't matter how often you say it...

So, when you're banging on with your distracting, rabble-rousing chatter about the fictitious 'bedroom tax', when you're basking in the Commons belly-laughs at your plagiarised punchlines during PMQs and when you go home to your comfortable home, paid for by your ungrateful treasons against the country that sheltered your Marxist ancestors, think long and hard about how you will escape vengeance. I hope your dreams are nightly disturbed by the possibility that one day you and the rest will be brought to the Tower through Traitor's Gate, to have your severed heads exhibited to the free and independent people of a New United Kingdom.

Oh, that feels better. Have a nice day.


  1. This is brilliant, I wish I had written it. Full marks mate.

  2. Thanks I needed that as well - Downside ; I didn't think that my piss could go above boiling point.

  3. The wheel will turn. One day in the future historians will look back and be astonished how a society could allow things to get so bad, that it actively encouraged its own enemies and malcontents to undermine it, that it couldn't see what had to be done, that it refused to face reality in every area and all the while congratulating itself on a job badly done.

    We won't see their judgement, but we can see what needs to be judged right now.

  4. Sad little England Colonialist. Facts all wrong. Thatcher sold 2/3 of the gold reserved, sold nationalised companies to those that already owned them. Doubled VAT, saw pensioners freeze. Moved boundaries to get a Tory boost. Saw Westminster move in Tories and move out existing people. Changed the unemployment figures so only those claiming unemployment benefit were counted. Saw a record 3 million, even on her figures, unemployed. Brought in the ridiculous poll tax and actively encouraged the wealthy to plunder. Saw Soros make 6 Billion on Black Wednesday and had record inflation and lending rates. Oh those with short memories want to forget these facts. To lay the blame at the Labour Party but cannot accept the damage done by the Grocers Daughter now talking to a husband long dead. Lady Thatcher did so much damage that neither party had ever been able to recover. You sound a bitter and twisted person who would climb a ladder and pull it up after you. Good leaders create more good leaders and share their wealth be it in intelligent thinking or other. The hatred and indignance you feel will kill you sooner than any cancer.

    1. Hahahahahaha! You bitter little Socialist dupe! Margaret Thatcher has been the ONLY leader of any merit in my lifetime. Without her necessary interventions your kind would have ground us all into dust.

      Short memories? As a teenager, of working class stock, living in a council house, I backed her all the way.

  5. Too damn right! Just read this and would like to congratulate you on such a brilliant post.

  6. Agree with all except for 'fracking'. it fills me with horror to think about it and once the damage is done there would be no going back. The future is more than a little scary.
    "Be the change you want to see in this world" - Ghandhi

    1. Fracking isn't a problem. Anyway, we'll start off under Blackpool,so nobody that matters will notice. ;o)
