
Thursday, 17 October 2013

Oh to be in England now the end is near…

When I used to travel around the world between work tours as an ex-pat oil worker I would take advantage of the bargain prices almost everywhere outside of Europe. Before cheap mass air travel ‘took off’ I could pay for a whole month’s holiday for less than a standard return air fare to the UK. Compared to those who unimaginatively flew back to visit families of whom they were mightily sick after a month, I returned from leave enlightened, refreshed, all-adventured-out and with more in my bank account than when I left. Happy days while it lasted.

The sights, sounds, tastes and norms of alien cultures formed the periodic backdrop to three years of my life in my early twenties before I returned to the familiar and settled down for a while back in the UK. I don’t know why I bothered. The familiar is now not familiar and what was exotic in foreign climes is just plain out of place in Blighty. Men in drab dresses walk down our streets and invisible women clad in dark shrouds congregate outside school gates. Signs are written in a multitude of foreign scripts and our policemen have to be oh-so sensitive, so as not to unduly offend those they arrest.

Perhaps we need some before and after photographs – because you’ve all forgotten (if you ever knew) what it used to be like. The end game of the multicultural propagandists is that your children will never know what being British ever meant. And for those who still have faint memories it’s the reverse of the emperor’s new clothes trick; as if you just don’t want to see what is happening right in front of your nose.

Janet Daley wrote recently in the Telegraph about press freedoms and in particular the way in which the BBC is complicit in presenting an unwaveringly positive portrayal of Britain the way they want to see it. She writes “BBC news output is specifically designed to counter what it sees as ignorance and popular prejudices.” And on the hated ‘right-wing press’: “The BBC approach to news is aimed precisely at those people who read the papers that are hated by its staff. It is intended to offer an alternative vision of reality in which immigration is not a threat to anyone, patriotism is a joke, religious belief (as opposed to ethnic identity) is not taken seriously, conflicting cultural values never create social problems and government spending is inherently virtuous.”

And it’s not just the news. The BBC’s autumn soft crime drama ‘By Any Means’ seems to be predicated on the populist myth that the middle classes are vaguely shady, blithely evade justice and only a dedicated crack squad operating outside the law can bring them to book. Last week’s episode centred around a corrupt, caricature-Tory property developer with connections in government, getting away, literally, with murder. This week the couple under investigation were obvious dopplegangers for a well-known ex-Tory couple, engaged in a caper to cynically rip off a charity

This is the nation’s state broadcaster’s standard cipher for Conservatives, the middle classes, business owners; anybody in fact who makes a net contribution to life in the UK. In contrast their depiction of the lower paid, working or not, is unwaveringly positive, their dabbling in black markets seen as either necessary, unavoidable or simply high jinks, Jack-the-lad antics to brighten up the place.

I can hardly bear to listen to young people any more with their Jafaican patois and their risible groupthink assertions of the opinions of some of their brainwashed teachers. (And since when did tutors start calling their charges ‘mate’? Watch any episode of ‘Educating Yorkshire’.) Yet many susceptible parents are now instructed by their semi-literate offspring that their views of the world are wrong and that acceptance of deliberate and harmful social engineering without question is right.

A spokesman for god-knows-what on The Daily Politics this week repeated the on-message assertion that immigrants are a net benefit; that is they pay more in tax than they take out in benefits. But this is a classic use of numbers to affirm a lie – the net figure, even if it is actually true, hides the real costs to Britain on a one-by-one basis. Take this as an example:

A foreign worker brings his wife and two kids here, where he gets a job on £30k a year and thus pays total deductions of around £6,800 for the 2013-14 tax year. Will he get tax credits? Or housing and child benefit? I don’t know, so I’ll assume he doesn’t. Given that the NHS alone costs about £3,600 a year for every working person in Britain (based on £109bn last year, with around 30 million workers) he is not even paying his way for the kids, let alone a family of four. Factor in the cost of schools, roads, defence and the family on benefits that this family is displacing and it’s clear the numbers just don’t add up. Yet all immigration is still always good immigration.

Traditional Britain - according to the BBC

We already cannot afford this economic, cultural and social illiteracy and it is only going to get worse. But it doesn't matter; superstate EU puppet handlers will simply rob Peter to pay Paul then alter the facts to suit whatever disjointed agenda is the cause du jour. While the Winstons are busy ‘adjusting’ our history they may as well alter old song lyrics too. Remember the rousingTom Robinson classic Motorway, from the nineteen seventies? Let’s all sing together “Two, four, six, eight – manipulate!”


  1. I very much mourn the passing of what once was. And nor do I see it through rose-tinted spectacles as many would and do suggest. Times were harsh, desperately harsh frequently; but we knew a glorified happiness and form of freedom that no longer exists. Most of what passes for happiness/freedom these days, comes out of a pill, or a bottle, or is seen on tv, whatever, whatever amen. #justsaying

  2. That was bloody brilliant.

    The latest buzz phrase is just to prefix any figures with 'but in real terms', and then it makes it all positive for very stupid people. Watch me transform this...

    Roma Pavlakova earns £30,000 per annum, pays £6,800 in tax, and his family costs the taxpayer £12,000, but in real terms, they contribute to overall GDP, reduce our levels of government borrowing, and bring cultural diversity to local communities.


    Let's see how many times it crops up on BBC's Question Time programme, if you can bear it.

    1. Excellent stuff! I think they should make me the entire Question Time audience... I have a few questions here... *rolls out wallpaper* We may be some time!

  3. "immigrants are a net benefit"

    What a sadly disillusioned man.
