
Thursday, 5 December 2013

A Question of Trust

I’d like to trust people, I really would. But it seems that whenever I’ve tried, whenever I’ve taken people at their word, little if anything is ever forthcoming from their end of the deal. And if I don’t trust people in general, people I have actually met and shaken hands with, what on earth would convince me to trust any organisation whose main aim in life is to hold the reins of power over the entire country? I certainly wouldn’t rely on any government that claimed to operate in my personal interests; that would be very stupid and naïve indeed.

In today’s Autumn Statement there were no surprises and George Osborne pulled no gimmicky flowers out of any worn out sleeves. Unlike the opposition who are frantically trying to both sound tougher on welfare and be Father Christmas all at the same time, the coalition, from the empty begging bowl of The Treasury, are promising to do precisely nothing for me… or you, which is exactly what I want to hear. No tax cuts until at least 2020? Good. I can work with that. At least it’s honest.

On the other side of The House, while the gasping beached whale of Labour’s bloated welfare state coughs up its dying, blood-flecked sputum; while their left-wing purse strings are held so strangly-tight by their Marxist paymasters in Unite and Common Purpose; while the abject failure of their multicultural sabotage threatens to foment open revolt in Britain’s sink estates, they stick doggedly and unapologetically to their ultraviolent horrorshow* script. (*And yes, Nadsat and all it signifies is already here.)

Labour’s only electoral card is the emotive ‘cost of living crisis’, a meaningless rallying cry which they are daily flogging to death in the absence of any real policy or power. Relying on dependency, relying on people taking them at their word because they have done nothing else all their lives, Labour are openly promising to continue the ruin they have for so long wreaked on our economy. People who have never been independent of state subsistence will cling to that rock; the only permanent thing in their life so far. But nothing lasts forever... except the lies.

At least now we know that anybody who is a net contributor to the state will not see a penny back for their efforts as long as the Conservatives are in power. That’s better than it might be though, because if you listen to Labour’s rhetoric, the more you pay in the less you are expected to complain about it and they want even more yet. Given that the outcome of the next general election is by no means settled, the mere possibility of a return to Labour’s profligate idiocy and envy politics should signal a move, for those who are able, to leave this economy in whatever way they can.

More work for accountants as cash-strapped sole traders decide to minimise their exposure to income tax. More work for accountants as fewer and fewer limited companies declare any significant operating profits. More work for accountants and tax lawyers as every loophole in the code is exploited to the full. Lest you think it is all happy days for accountants, expect to see more and more cash-in-hand, under-the-counter dealings as taxable transactions go unrecorded and watch the black economy flourish as never before.

But whether it’s Labour or Conservative, either are powerless to resist the rule of the EU, and only real difference is how long it will take before the inevitable happens and British Socialism finally runs out of other people’s money. And you really don’t want to be here when that happens. I don’t see Greece and Spain clubbing together to bail you out when the government raids your savings.

A lot of people say they would vote for the party which tells them the truth. But you won’t. I don’t believe that. Only one party is telling the truth about Europe and that is UKIP, who you say don’t trust. But at least they have raised the debate, raised awareness and made it clear how futile the talk of reform is. You do have a choice, but you probably won’t exercise it wisely.

BRExit - one way or another

So, despite saying you despise them all you will still end up voting for the party that you think is most likely to put a pound or two a week in your own pocket – yes, it really is as petty as that. And if you do that, if you vote for same-old-same-old, you know what we’ll get? Conservative or Labour, the balance of power will end up in the hands of the LibDems. Do you really want that on your conscience? 


  1. Osborne says the economy is expanding and that's great; but unless it's expanding in terms of commodities that hold value over time, then the economy is just a house of cards waiting for somebody to clap their hands too vigourously.

  2. As usual unerringly spot on. You have the knack of putting into words what others try to circumnavigate.
