
Thursday, 19 March 2015

Be fair!

I heard the news today, oh boy. Well, yesterday evening actually. And what I heard can most usefully be described as pathetic. Plain old bad losing as Ed Miliband responded to the budget with a round of self-pitying bollockry. “Boo hoo!” he said to George Osborne “You called me names and you’re bigger than me, you nasty Bullingdon bully!” Well boo-fucking-hoo indeed. “What this budget is not” he said “is fair.” Fair? You what? FAIR? Now, I’m not clever enough to script a detailed analysis of the finer points of the budget and how it will affect all parties involved and ‘draw the battle lines’ and all that guff, but I do know about fairness.

And  I’ll tell you what’s not fair. What’s not fair is imposing housing benefit restrictions to limit the size of home that poor, privately-renting, working people can afford, but opposing an equivalent restriction on the council house ‘unwaged’, with the consequent conclusion that Labour must believe that non-workers somehow deserve greater stability and choice than those who actually pay tax. What’s not fair is creating a system of welfare that not only does not discourage the useless from multiplying, but actively incentivises it at the expense of those who responsibly limit their family size to what they can afford to rear.

What’s not fair is the squeaky-wheel approach to social disorder, throwing mountains of hard-earned taxpayers’ cash at trying to control the excesses and failures of a relatively small number of problem families who do their utmost to blight the life chances of those around them who pay for their salvation. And what’s also not fair is that the massive majority of the tax burden falls most heavily on those who depend on the state for very little and pay twice for everything. Since when was literally robbing Peter to pay Paul a sound economic plan?

In search of a utopic egalitarian fiction, the left don’t seem to mind how many lives they lessen. By persisting with unproven – or rather, proven to fail – Marxist educational theory they have condemned millions of children over several generations to lives that will be forever unfulfilled, as they wait like ugly featherless nestlings with their gaping mouths open, demanding the state feed them worms forever. Instead of true ambition, determination and the ability to persevere and succeed, the children of the indentured poor grow obese on sofas dreaming of Kardashian celebrity forever out of their reach.

Singing: "We'll keep the red flag flying here!"
Blind, stupid and starving - Labour's bloc vote

From overcrowded cradle to distastefully ostentatious and illiterately marked grave many children of the left will never know the responsibility of making choices, nor have the learning to make wise ones. When the consequences of their mistakes are smoothed over with soothing words and somebody else’s hard cash, how will they ever know what real freedom tastes like? Spare the rod and spoil the child might be Labour’s mantra. I’ll tell you what’s not fair; being made reliant forever on others and then being regarded as the property of the state, that’s what. Ed Miliband can fuck off, fuck off some more and take his entire fucking Nazi cabinet with him to Fuckoffsville.


  1. Brilliant! I hate the way the left want to shackle people to the state whilst the leftist elite tell us what to do

  2. What’s not fair is creating a system of welfare that not only does not discourage the useless from multiplying, but actively incentivises it at the expense of those who responsibly limit their family size to what they can afford to rear.


  3. "Ed Miliband can fuck off, fuck off some more and take his entire fucking Nazi cabinet with him to Fuckoffsville". Just how brilliant is this for an ending?

    I'd tell all my friends about your blog, but sadly I don't have any. Keep up the fine work!
