
Saturday, 18 April 2015

Heart of Darkness

Italy is being overrun by African migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libya. So much so that even the European Union is concerned about all that diversity and enrichment and machete-wielding skillage that it is normally so very quick to welcome and organise benefits for. I smell the whiff of people who feel their privileged commissioners’ salaries are under threat. If Africa comes to Europe how long before it is just as fucked-up as the dark continent itself? One by one, as those countries have gained independence from their civilised former rulers, their natural tendencies to corruption and violence have crept back in and if they are not wrecking and raping their national wealth there is always a bit of light genocide to pass the time.

You can call it racism as loudly as you like but, from where I’m sitting it’s not Europeans who are systematically stealing aid funds, rigging elections, beating up rivals, letting industry and agriculture fail, allowing infrastructure to fall into disrepair, dismembering white farmers, beheading non-muslims and crucifying Christians. Africa and the Middle East has between them an enormously disproportionate access to natural resources compared to its population and yet all much of its people seem able to do is waste it, break it and slaughter anybody who takes their fancy.

Still capturing, keeping and abusing slaves, discriminating with a literally monstrous disregard for human suffering the boat people are not only bringing savagery but also allowing Ebola, hepatitis, AIDS and other lethal diseases to hitchhike along with them. The people of southern Italy feel under direct threat as they receive hundreds of thousands of invaders, some of whom are by no means grateful recipients of charity. Reports are being heard that they regularly and arrogantly thieve, control criminal gangs and threaten violence. This is not some aberration, this is their nature – you can take the animal out of the jungle and all that.

Of course the human rights organisations are wading in  - What are we to do to help the migrants? It’s not their fault, the say; they are escaping oppressive regimes. Well even from here I already feel I live in a pretty oppressive regime where my well-being is of little concern to the righteous forces of liberal guilt and having a dusky form of repression added for good measure is not my idea of a happy future. Demonising the migrants, you say? Quelle horreur! No, not ALL migrants… just the demons. And the fact that the most devilish come in various shades of non-white is surely impossible to ignore unless you are pathologically unable to separate fact from fiction.

Who you calling strange?
Fancy a bit more diversity?

You’re worried about whether calling a violent black man black and violent is offensive? I’ll tell you what’s offensive – having an enraged and bloodthirsty savage scream in your face as he tries to detach it from your body. So sod the rescue patrols and forget about trying to accommodate them. Farmers with a rat problem don’t put out food and bedding for the rats, do they? Call in the air strikes and sink those boats as fast as they are launched. Deterrent is no good; the European Union can only defend its borders if it has the will to take out every last verminous, disease-ridden, destructive animal in this infestation. 


  1. Just checking if comments are enabed....

  2. You forgot the part where they demand you change your culture, language, food, religion etc.. To accommodate them lest they be OFFENEDED. It's all about "Human Rights" don't ya know? Invasion from the South seems to be the order of the day. Multiculturalism is code for divide and conquer, only the conquering is self imposed as well. But who listens to me I'm the racist, bigoted nationalist xenophobe right?

  3. You forgot the part where they demand you change your culture, language, food, religion etc.. To accommodate them lest they be OFFENEDED. It's all about "Human Rights" don't ya know? Invasion from the South seems to be the order of the day. Multiculturalism is code for divide and conquer, only the conquering is self imposed as well. But who listens to me I'm the racist, bigoted nationalist xenophobe right?

  4. I am at a loss to comprehend why the electorate will continue to vote for this ever expanding nightmare. Despite the evidence overwhelming us all. You only need look at the savages who dismembered Gunner Rigby to see how rife this savagery is, now walking our streets.
