
Friday, 4 September 2015


Well, I was going to write about the changing of the referendum question from yes/no to remain/leave. Seriously, the question is now planned to be “remain or leave” the EU? Have they considered how this may bias the outcome towards those in favour of ‘leaving it as it is’? And ‘remain’? Maybe that’s a harbinger of times post-EU when, once the UK has led the way, few others will remain? What about those who will ‘remain’ in the leave-it-be camp? Not really thought through is it; who’s surprised?

But no, something much less important has come up, so I’ll bang on about that for a bit. A body has been photographed, washed up on a beach. You all know the one, which is a bit odd, really, because before him thousands of other children, unnamed children, have been killed, maimed, executed, murdered, butchered, mutilated, tortured, raped, bombed, mined, burned alive and you didn’t really take all that much notice. Why did it take this one single image to get you all going?

And when I say ‘going’, boy, is that an understatement. The world has gone mad over this beautifully framed Athena poster death. For some of you it will be the defining image of your lives; personally I prefer the blonde scratching her bum on the tennis court but hey, each to his own. While nobody should be gleeful at the sight of dead flesh I have to say I am disappointed by the degree to which many have chosen to take this personally. This is what I mean when I say ‘mad’. You didn’t know him, he will feel no more pain and there will be many more to follow him; why this one? Why didn’t you identify with the 1400+ serially raped girls in Rotherham who may suffer as a result for the rest of their lives?

Humans are irrational beings – not me, obviously, I’m a dead-hearted monster; that’s the nature of pragmatism – but there is something worryingly wrong with this crowd hysteria, evoked by a single photograph splashed across the entire world’s press. Every political Svengali would be wanking himself into oblivion if he’d thought of it but this is a thing of accident. Much as in art, there are many who can spread the acrylics across the canvas but few who can push the buttons and this is the Mona Lisa of mind control. Watch me do it in the last paragraph with a single word... 

Politicians, however, are made of sterner stuff and if they can’t generate the mass outcry themselves they certainly know how to exploit it. The parade of crocodile tears has been shameful. A good day to bury bad news indeed – and yes, I did think about typing ‘bury’ and then typed it anyway; see how cruel I am? Which brings me to Twitter: People whose primary interest is second-rate football and have never given the refugee crisis a moment’s thought are all of a sudden beatified and become one with the heavenly father. So saintly are they now that, in response to my stating that I am unmoved, they wish on me a horrible and painful death.

Feel the love...

Some people really do believe they have the monopoly on caring, don’t they? And so exclusively caring are they that anybody who doesn’t see what they see must suffer for their shortness of vision. There is no compassion like their personal compassion and the only way to express it is right there on a handy internet sleeve. If you’ve formed an opinion based on that dead kid, then it’s not really your opinion at all; you have been manipulated. But it’s worked; David Cameron has caved – like he was always going to; like he will on the EU ‘renegotiation’; like he has every single time public support has threatened to wane. And he didn’t seem to hesitate in using meat on a beach to justify it.


  1. Who cannot be moved by the picture of the little boy dead on a beach, I certainly was. My reaction was not the knee jerk response that we should open our borders like so many other hard of thinking members of the public. My first feeling was revulsion at the EU and the way it has handled the immigration crisis. From the start reception centers should been opened and as immigrants were going to come to Europe whatever obstacles were put in their way those obstacles should not have involved putting them in harms way. The genuine refugees should be let in as there is no other choice but the economic migrants and criminals sent back to their countries of origin. Refugee camps should have been set up so that they could be processed in an orderly way sending on those who could find employment or communities prepared to allow them to settle and some sent back when the conflicts in those countries had been resolved. My second feeling was one of dread as I believe that letting all these people in who have different cultural, ethical and religious beliefs into Europe and add them to the considerable numbers already here there is a disaster of cataclysmic proportions waiting to happen.

    I foresee in a few years time to paraphrase Enoch Powell blood on the streets. Pressures will mount as as the indigenous people will start to feel like aliens in their own lands(to some extent they already do) and the myriad of different ideologies will cause violence being the only way that those immigrants already here and those coming know how to resolve their differences. Europe in ten years time may well come to resemble the Middle east, Eritrea, Nigeria and Afghanistan with competing war Lords all setting up their fiefdoms fighting and murdering anyone that does not agree with them. Gawd help us(I am an atheist so no god).

    1. I wasn't moved.I genuinely wasn't. But then I view every birth as a lifetime of trouble ahead and the potential new fount from which a generation of nee'er do wells may spring.

      But I do believe you are right and there is already much blood in the Tiber.

  2. I thought it a bit sad but I didn't know him. I get more emotional when I see animal cruelty. I'm a cold hearted bitch, I suppose but the more I see the image, the more I'm convinced it was staged.

    1. I suspect as much myself as we know that many groups that have vested interests from journalists who rely on sensationalism(one of the least ethical professions along with politicians and lawyers but that list is far from exhaustive) and others who subscribe to the mantra of the means justify the end will stoop to any unethical or dishonorable methods.

      It probably was not staged as the evidence even if that comes from dubious sources is against it. In any event this tragedy we know is being acted out on a daily basis as many are drowned and among them children.

      We are in the horns of dilemma as we know to close our borders and send immigrants back is also unethical and is not the humanitarian response. However to let them in and in fact not send those packing who even if they have been here years we do not want is storing up a humanitarian disaster that will manifest itself in a few years time for the indigenous population.

  3. Even as a young kid I recall my dismay at the idea of the world being 'like a great big onion' as those proto-beaming idiots sung in their post-war liberated fervour. Even then I knew somehow the reality would be less than just 'Teaching the World to Sing' etc. And here we are. The point of no return was crossed long ago thanks to sensible people just ignoring those naive idiots with a dud political ideology, rejecting the concept of national pride, of custodianship. Replaced by a global parasitism to grab everything, anywhere while you can. Europe, the UK, is finished financially and culturally. We are now merely waiting for the time that demographics and democracy administer the coup de grace. What we have seen this week - another of those oestrogen soaked (and that's just the modern blokes) mass hysterical outbursts that found a voice with the Peoples Princess. Our devious media, ego raddled slebs and ovine populace rally round the latest popular cause. My God! The children! Folks, Even Hitler was a blastocyst once. But, this is just a side show. The damage was done previously. Maybe we hasten the inevitable, but nothing worse. Trouble is coming to Europe, its seeds have been sown and nothing can revert us back. Anyway, who is to say our wee Jeremy and his beaming ilk aren't right after all and it is us hard faced pragmatists that are out of step? I don't know about you, but I capitulated long ago. If the people of Europe and the UK want to let their democratic representatives hasten us to a new dark age, who are we to complain. Me? I'm OK. I'll just take my self-earned pension and tax contributions to somewhere warmer that isn't hell bent on self destruction. I hear Hungary is nice.

    1. Hungary is looking like one of the few voices of reason.

  4. You're right on the money there, Anon. Thank you for your post. I have to admit I am beginning to take the view of 'apres moi le deluge' -- or as my old gaffer used to say, 'f*ck 'em all'.

  5. Have a look at this
