
Thursday, 10 December 2015

Man up!

A violent strain has dominated the world news for years. Its adherents practise vicious acts of torture and execution which they film and proudly put out on the internet for all to see. We have become hardened and anaesthetised to the daily parade of beheadings, burnings, stonings, crucifixions and mass head-shot killings of kneeling human beings whose only crime is to have transgressed against a set of rules so draconian that the civilised world not only long ceased to punish them but made most of them mainstream many years ago. Adultery, homosexuality, abandoning religion, being from another religion, or simply being the wrong colour are punished not only by various supposedly ‘militant’ jihadis, there are also whole nation states, recognised by the west, who indulge in much of the same everyday barbarism. Their oil is just not worth tolerating their rabid ideology for.

Meanwhile, the boxer Tyson Fury has a spitting, vitriolic hate campaign aimed at him by leftist elements because he holds views that, to a devout muslim, would not only be considered mainstream but mild in comparison to the unbending stance of islam. Furthermore, while neither he nor Donald Trump has ever – to the best of my knowledge – beheaded a live captive, stoned a woman to death for being raped, or burned anybody alive in a cage, it is they who come in for the convulsive, spitting, snarling condemnation; while against the encroaching invasion of civilisation-wrecking, fundamental islam, hands are raised in a feeble, helpless ‘what can you do?’ gesture. I know I am not alone in finding this perverse.

So, how does the world – as seen through the eyes of the supposedly independent media – recognise what is going on? Under the title of ‘Chancellor of the Free World’ they name Angela Merkel as Time magazine’s ‘person of the year’. "For asking more of her country than most politicians would dare, for standing firm against tyranny as well as expedience and for providing steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply." Roughly translated this means putting ideology before reason and putting the same warped ideology before the needs and wants of the German people. Angela Merkel has single-handedly done more to bury the German nation state and with it, all of Europe, than any who have attempted this feat before her. (Donald Trump, incidentally, came in third place for the ‘honour’...)

Something stinks. How is it that third generation immigrant children, born and schooled here still speak English with a Pakistani accent? Why is it that the burka, an affront to British values and a quite deliberate symbol of islamic superiority and separateness, is rapidly becoming almost normal? At which point did police officers have to engage in dialogue with ‘tribal elders’ before attempting to enter and patrol muslim ‘communities’? And when did such communities manage to exempt themselves from the normal scrutiny and strictures applied to the indigenous population?

In Merkel’s World we tell those incompatible separatists that the west hates them not because they refuse to assimilate fully but because they are brown and different. We give them the details with which to file their grievance and ignore the reality that it is they who are incapable of fitting in. If they wanted to abandon islam and assimilate we have the capacity to absorb them and give them the same chances as we used to enjoy. But no, the multicultural dream insists they give up nothing in exchange for all our century offers.

A very good year?

While we may not want to march every muslim at pitchfork-point to redistribution or repatriation centres – but don’t believe it isn’t a favoured option for millions – it is not wrong to be afraid of the consequences of more acquiescence to muslim mores. And it might be worth taking a moment to consider that another German Chancellor was also once named Time Magazine’s man of the year. 1938, it was. Remember how that turned out? 


  1. Large migrations through the ages as far as I can ascertain have caused considerable disruption. Disruption which in most cases proved to be fatal for many of the indigenous people. Migrants arriving by invitation so as to appease them in the belief that by doing so the migrants will be peaceful and become valuable members of the community has in the past turned out very badly and the opposite has occurred. The current mass of invited migrants currently pouring into Europe will undoubtedly follow the same pattern.

    Inviting alien peoples with their different cultures, traditions, religions, standards and values into our societies is obviously to anyone with a modicum of common sense a dangerous thing to do. History tells us it is so when the inevitable happens as it will and Europe and other parts of the West descends into chaos who can say that there was no way to predict it. Adding that we were only doing the right thing anyway to help these poor benighted people. Forgetting that they were not doing the right thing for their own people.

    1. Is it a form of mass hypnosis, this desire on the part of western leaders to completely eradicate the cultures that have brought the most benefit to the world?

    2. Agreed, agreed. I appear to be watching civilization walk with open arms to its utter destruction

    3. I take the lesson of the Glen Coe massacre as a guide. They still will never trust a Campbell in those parts.

  2. The hatred most immigrants of colour, be they Muslim or not, is racist driven venom born of jealousy for the relative economic comforts centuries have taken to achieve in the West. Success never obtained in much of the developing world. Particularly the Middle East and much of Africa.

  3. An excellent piece, as always. Thank you, Batsby -- you are one of the good guys.

    1. Not so. Apparently I am a racist piece of shit... according to one of the people of the 'nice' party who would willingly see me boiled alive for my observations.

  4. Sign this petition please -
