
Monday 28 March 2016

Slamming the ‘lam

Like the bad penny that keeps turning up, Tony Blair has peeped over the parapet to warn us we are in denial about the threat of extreme islam. Gee, thanks Tone, I wonder I anybody has noticed in, say, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Paris, Brussels and just yesterday, Lahore? Naturally enough, LBC had a phone-in about it all and naturally enough the airwaves were filled with pleasant, accent-free, friendly ‘British muslims’ eager to share their knowledge of ‘true’ islam. So that’s lovely, isn’t it?

Too late, mate, far too late. The world is way too busy avoiding exploding muslims to worry much about what kind of muslims they might have been. I mean islam or islamist, the extra three letters do little to soothe; persisting in calling it the religion of peace is like, say, Tony Blair insisting that diversity is an unmitigated good even while ‘rubbing the right’s nose’ in it; that’s something you do with shit, isn’t it? The importation of wacky wahhabism is a diverse step far too far.

But it’s one thing warning about it; now it’s here what are you going to do? And by ‘you’ I mean all those elites in positions of power whose very positions rely far too heavily on not upsetting the people who buy our weapons and sell us oil. Never mind Blair’s belated pronouncement that islamism is incompatible with civilisation, when I start to see a severing of relationships with regimes which harbour and nurture that incompatibility I may begin to believe that action is being taken.

But of course, few of us expect such decisive action because for it to happen careers are going to have to be sacrificed and future reward foregone. Lords are going to have to fall on swords and the fat, corrupt rich must go on crash diets. Fortunes will have to fail and dynasties need to be deposed. The whole sorry elitist edifice will have to crumble and fall and some very public cleansing of consciences will be needed.

We are a rich country and some are very rich indeed. And some of the most obscene riches have come about because of deals done with desert dust devils. Well, I’m willing for Britain to become a poorer country if it means we also become significantly safer. Sucking up to salafi isn’t going to cut it. So, back to islam. Sorry fellas but now is not the time to reason why, now’s the time to denounce or die. Because islam isn’t a race and it isn’t a nationality. Choose your side – Britain or islam – only one of them belongs in your passport.

Which type of muslim are you?

And we don’t really care about what kind of wonderful version of islam you believe you continue to believe in, you can keep that to yourself. Banish the burka, ditch the dish-dash and do as the official religion of these islands has done – relegate itself to a minor hotch-potch of traditions, such as are being practised over this Easter weekend. Eat, drink, be merry and stop, just stop, blowing the fuck out of things. 


  1. Wholeheartedly believing in sky fairies and their dogmas is something reason cannot contend with. Any perceived threat to that belief even the mildest adherents react defensively. Therefore it is not possible to delineate between extremists and other members of the same faith. As the murderous aggression by the extremists is given tacit support by all. If those of a different faith that is intolerant of other faiths live amongst you then everyone of those of that faith is a threat to you as they may not knife you in the back themselves but will aid those who will.

    People of different faiths can of course live in harmony but only if those faith are developed enough to accept that a strict interpretation of their faith is not a reason to cause harm to others. Islam is no more a religion of peace than any other religion is everyone of them has at some point done harm in their names. The carnage and barbarity that Muslims commit in Allah's name is not something new. What is new is that modern technology makes what they do felt more widely and has greater impact.

  2. Islam is being used to scare people! ISIS are a proxy army for US / UK bankers & Corporations who are pushing NWO, One World Government. They have purposely excluded BRICS from their 'Trade' deals, as these nations no longer use the US Dollar or will not bow down to US superiority. They will be forced in by wars! ISIS threats of attack are to frighten us into accepting Government policy, just as 9/11 & 7/7 were. Mass migration was planned well in advance, Erdogan was building 'Holding Camps' on Syrian side of Turkish border, this is why they didn't flood when the bombing first started. They were released so as to force nations into losing their identity, become easier to control and take-over [TTIP] by Corporations. This is why Public Services are being attacked, make them cheaper for Privatisation.

    1. Religious fanatics and conspiracy theory fantasists not that dissimilar both have problems with logic and are unable to rationalise properly. Lack of proof to back up their claims is not allowed to get in the way of the faith they have in their erroneous beliefs. Tragic really as the world would be a much better place without their twisted thinking.

  3. WR has plenty of evidence available, on the net, to determine that, either through unintended consequences of implementation of deliberate action by Western corporations, i.e American, or intended social engineering to negate opposition, we are right now a vulnerable and losing civilisation.

    Just one example of deep, unpleasant corruption, Hardly theoretical.

    1. I cannot disagree with that comment. Indeed corruption is endemic throughout the world. Of course some places more so than others but it exists in one form or another everywhere. We tackle it as best we can with very mixed results. The problem stems from human nature.

      A human nature that temps us all to exploit one another. Do not be deluded in thinking there are good people in the world there are not there are only people who sometimes do good things. Couple that with our propensity for bad decision making then the two make for a cocktail that should have ended us a long time ago. The fact that did not happen and we are still here then that says natures forces must be very forgiving.

      Although I believe the chances of us destroying ourselves in the near future is very high because we are inventing and dreaming up better and bigger ways for doing just that. Nature may be forgiving but may not always be and I suspect technology when it has advanced enough will not be forgiving at all.

  4. As for WR's conspiracy theories they are hog wash I should have added. Humans don't go in for subtle complicated subterfuge to gain power over us or manipulate us. They do not have too as we quite readily let them as long as they promise to give us something for nothing. They do and we swallow it hook line and sinker.

    They do use deceit, obfuscation and any other nefarious means they can latch onto to rob and cheat us. They however do it quite openly it is not that we do not know about it is just we do not care enough or it suits our purpose to turn a blind eye to it.

  5. Blair and his ilk spent most of their reigns encouraging mass immigration because it was an electoral weapon. The man is a traitor. And I can't disagree with a word above

  6. Stumbled here as one does on tinternet laughed ranted and educated all on one blog thanks
