
Thursday, 23 June 2016

They think it’s all over...

It soon will be. But is the result a foregone conclusion? Many believe the count is, effectively, already decided. There have been purported ‘leaks’ about the postal results which give a resounding result for Remain; no doubt these broadcasts, spurious or not, have been made in an attempt to influence the footfall today. But who trusts the polls after the general election results last year? In retrospect, how could anybody have believed Ed Moribund had even the ghost of a chance of becoming Prime Minister?

The vast majority of those who will vote to Leave will not alter their view. The four horsemen themselves could be camped outside the voting halls but as Farage said yesterday, those patriotic souls – ignorant, vile racists in the view of the brainwashed disciples of Saint Jo – would crawl over broken glass to save their country from further harm. On the other hand, among those who have declared for Remain a large number have done so with a heavy heart, not believing the campaign of fear and vitriol, but not quite trusting themselves to cope with independence.

Speaking of trust and in the light of the way in which the establishment has brought its big guns to bear on the little man, there is a general unease in the impartiality of the electoral system and much talk of a fix. As of yesterday the polls were still neck and neck – Sky shared the following graphic showing 45/44 for Leave, with 11% undecided and a number of Tweeters exhorted their fellows to use ink, not pencil, to make their mark.

It has to be true... it's in colour!

The fight, then, is for the undecided and the weather appears to be on the side of the dedicated. The young, the indifferent and those begrudgingly swayed by the clamour of their peers may well opt to stay at home in the dry but whatever happens a close vote gives us little peace. A two percent majority for Remain effectively allows the independence movement to cry ‘fix!’ and the fight will undoubtedly continue. That would be a nightmare. A two percent victory for Leave would result in dancing in some streets but it will then be argued that less than half of those eligible voted for it and once again, that the children did not get to decide their future. Equal dissatisfaction, unequal reaction.

For either side to accept the opposite result the ballot will have to be decisive and it’s not looking likely. Based on those numbers the best that either side can manage is around 55/45, but if that happens, if all the swing is one direction, how will that look? Only god or government has the power to bring that about and nobody sane believes in god. This referendum is being billed as democracy in action but democracy has never looked so fragile. The following reasoned arguments may help you decide...

This is what it looks like from Juncker World

So, there you are. If you want to stay in das projeckt and build a federal super state with an army and everything then vote with your woolly head and may history forgive you. If you want to rediscover the joys of independence and if you believe and trust in the British people to bring their government to account, then vote with your heart and pray for rain. It would be poetic justice if the great British obsession with the weather were to win the day. Good luck! 


  1. The very last polls yesterday showed a 7-8% lead for Remain.
    They assume Labour voters split 80:20 for Remain, which does not accord with either my own experience nor of all the canvassing reports - which have it VERY much the other way.

    To me, this is the single most important vote of my life. I am old enough to have voted in 1975 when we were lied to by both Heath and Wilson.

    We were subsequently lied to by both Blair and Brown about the Lisbon Treaty and by Cameron who promised us a referendum on it - and then welshed on that 'cast iron guarantee'.

    He went - in all good faith, I'm sure - to the capitals of the EU to secure a better deal for the UK - and was sent away with a flea in his ear.
    Then rather than saying 'I tried, I failed, so, with a heavy heart, I must recommend #Brexit', he lied to us about 'a reformed EU' etc etc etc and has led the Remainiacs.

    I have no hope or confidence in him and regard him with the same utter contempt as Heath and Blair: devoid of principles beyond the false belief that they and they alone can lead the country well.

    No, the 'heir to Blair' has shown himself to be a monumental disaster for himself AND his Party, for the splits within both will make governing either all but impossible for a decade or more.

    A highly likely result has the Shires voting OUT and London & Scotland voting IN. Good luck with trying to govern that: every last piece of insane EU legislation (and there will be more, much more, starting next week) will be dumped on his mat.
    Every last illegal immigrant and terrorist we cannot deport will be his personal problem and remain so.

    I very much hope that both Cameron and Osborne are gone by 8:00 am on Friday.
    I hope their page in the history books is utterly and completely damning: both failed to do a single thing they promised.

    Failures, both.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll try again. A rogue apostrophe made it through via autocorrect.

    Free puppies? Wednesdays off? Well, you just changed my mind Mr B! In in in in*

    *not really

  4. I hope for the best but fear the worst. Having voted Leave already and watching events from Italy I am enjoying Europe whilst despising the EU. Precisely the position Britain should adopt. Will it though? The polls are everywhere and give no real clue.
    There is general unease in the air but one can only hope that the populace has grasp d the essential facts and will vote to flee the EU behemoth. If not, the next few years are going to be singularly unpleasant.

  5. Forgive a somewhat ignorant question from an American in Texas. Our local news last night reported that this vote is nonbinding. Is that true? If so, what is the point? (They were looking for a local connection by showing how Texas secessionists are following the vote.)

    1. It seems the answer is yes (in theory)

    2. Yes,that's true. A referendum is purely a consultative exercise - our democracy, like yours,is no such thing. The government could just ignore it. But if they do, there is a chance they will be torn limb from limb.
