
Monday, 3 October 2016

Winning the Peace?

So, Big Tess has set out her stall. We will invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty by the end of March next year and be free and clear of the EU by early 2019. Forget everything that has happened in the last seventy years, if delivered as stated, this will be the single most important term of office of any Prime Minister in the living memory of all but a tiny, dying minority of the inhabitants of these islands. Sink or swim, Brexit is the only political battle worthy of the name.

Had David Cameron secured continued membership his premiership would have been remembered for gay marriage and little else. Honourable man though I believe him to be, his reforms of the Tory Party appeared to have been along the lines of Blair’s Third Way. For all the noisy demonstrations, the welfare state, multiculturalism and the travesties of the diversity and division industry were as safe in his hands as at any time under Labour. That placard waving was and is simple partisan loyalty at work.

Today, the gulf between the newly-left Labour and the newly-right Conservatives is beginning at last to resemble the Grand Canyon. For far too long there has been a fag-paper between them; one could vote Labour one election and Tory the next and little would have really changed. Now, as that seismic fault widens, it is time for the fence sitters to choose a side and hang on; ain’t nobody minding that gap.

We could be in for a period of prolonged focus on merit and reward for effort, not for existence and by the time the rag-tag army of socialist ingrates gets its act together we may yet see a resurgence of a new generation of young parents abandoning entitlement lessons and inculcating in their progeny a genuine work ethic and a level of self-reliance not seen in half a century. The nasty Tories are not out to eat you, they could be – as parliaments should be – largely irrelevant to your day-to-day lives.

If the government are allowed to get on with it we might truly see the clock wound back to a former age. And yes, it was a better time. After the last great European conflict we all worked together, it seemed. The post-war generation set to rebuild a better country for families to raise children and, tired of conflict, looked to national unity. Yesterday, those who voted in Hungary’s referendum were 98% in favour of rejecting the EU’s attempts to distribute its invaders, despite turnout being below the 50% threshold for a mandate.

Of course the reds continue their march, intent on overthrowing order and national identity, but now they seem to be writhing in their death throes as Corbyn and Co. lead them to the cliff edge. Hungarians want to remain Hungarian, the British want to reclaim Britishness and next year the people of France and the Netherlands will demand their say. This isn’t just about Brexit. This is about re-tracing our steps back to where we dropped our guard and let the fifth column in. Brexit is just a first step in rediscovering what we can be. It’s about finally winning that peace that our most honourable generation fought so hard to bring about.

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