
Saturday, 27 May 2017


Katie Hopkins and LBC have parted ways. The malicious left are, in their loving, caring, kinder politics manner, gleefully infesting social media with group hugs, tears of joy and hopes that she dies in agony, from bottom cancer or suchlike. Of course, the vile Hopkins is guilty of the most nauseating, most violent, most despicable of modern offences and she has brought censure on herself. Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot... such despots always meet a sticky end, love triumphing over hate when they are strung up by a baying mob.

What did Katie do to attract such opprobrium? She dared to articulate what millions feel they cannot. She voiced the genuine feelings of a majority who are not cowed by political correctness and a fear of denouncement. She stood up for reason in a world which seems devoid of it at times. And she faced down the howls of knee-jerk demands to silence her from the very quarters engaged in suppression of freedoms in the west. And she will be back, because she’s right.

After many years of proposed solutions to the problems caused by an effective submission to islam in the west. After years of ‘nothing to do with islam’ uttered by political clones after every atrocity claimed in the name of the prophet (pieces be upon him). After the inanity of vigils and silences and voices raised against the aggrieved instead of the aggressors, she simply said what many, many people want. An end to it all. Finally. A final solution to the islamic problem. There, I said it too.

The very thing that the islamists want to deny us, up to and including life itself, is our freedom. Time after time after time, they have declared that they see us as less than them. They will have us as slaves, or not at all. They say they hate us they say they want us dead and I say they have the right to say these things. I welcome their openness; it makes everything so much simpler. They want us dead, we want them gone, finally.

Jeremy Corbyn can use terror all he likes, he can blame all of terrorism on the actions of former western governments and he can openly consort with whoever he wishes. Isn’t that the mark of a free society? But what is sauce for the goose, must also be at least a blob of relish for the gander. All calls for suppression of speech must be resisted; one man’s rallying cry is another’s hate speech. I say we should be able to call a spade a spade and not get arrested for racism because of it.

Yes, I accept that this means some people, especially young, radical peace warriors, might have to hear language of which they disapprove. Yes, it means that some people may be so mortally offended they may have to take to their beds. And of course the Penny Reds and Owen Gays and Jon Snowflakes and Jobby O’Briens might have to suffer being pointed at and mocked some more but it’s a small price to pay. It’s either free speech or officially approved speech; which would you prefer?


  1. 'Tis a curious war we have (for it is war, as declared so often and so openly on us by the religion-that-we-dare-not-name) in which all the violence comes from one side yet any harsh words -- such apparently powerful weapons that grown men weep to hear them -- uttered in reaction must be curtailed. More the strange alliance of the non-integrating and the non-thinking is so in lock-step against the ordinary people of the west that they can openly sneer at our fading freedoms. The left, when busy not eating itself, eagerly allies itself with people who once they gain power, will not tolerate any of the left's supposedly precious ideals. Perhaps when this happens Penny and friends will be able to use her required head-covering to dry her tears over what they have done.

  2. Je suis Katie? Next thing 4 am raid by police?

    1. She would take that in her stride. Like me, she has already attracted police attention for daring to suggest that Islamofascism might not be an unalloyed benefit.

  3. Tim Worstall has a great take on this, pointing out that the 'rise in hate crime' seen since Manchester that the GMP are so worried about is not even equal to the number of murdered and maimed...

  4. I'd like to see Twitter take the same action. For far too Ms. Hopkins has been able to freely air her vile views on a public platform. The rise in Hate Crimes since the Westminster incident can be attributed to her and many other far-right hate figures. More must be done to curtail extreme right-wing populism on the internet and in the media but the gutless Tory Government will just continue to allow these people a free rein to encourage division in our multicultural society.

    1. It's your side which promotes division and hatred. Your naked intolerance to any other ran your approved views often manifests itself in violent opposition to free speech. Tell Mama, HopeNotHate and various 'anti-fascist' groups are in fact the real nazis here

  5. Anon, 1120. We are not a multicultural society. That requires integration which most Muslim leaders abhor as subversive to their society and misogyny. separation of the female sex is not of our culture. We have moved on, warts and all. Furthermore the majority population is still 80% white, Anglo-Saxon in origin and generally of a mono cultural common sense persuasion. Your bigotry and ignorance of what FREE speech freedom is about shines through in its antipathy to modern, western culture.

  6. Anon has a " kill me last...please" philosophy.

  7. Me thinks anonymous above is a troll. He uses the words but lacks the idiotic 'passion' of real lefties. Also real, card-carrying leftoids tend to resort quickly to swearing and wishing people with who they disagree should die of horrible diseases. Naturally, this is only done because they love everybody equally.

    Even those making the nail-packed bombs. Or, more likely, especially those making the nail-packed bombs.
