
Thursday, 29 March 2018

Getting Tired?

It seems such a shame that we have to go over this ground again but seeing the news that Poland is reducing its retirement age, while we are progressively raising ours warrants comment. Now, we’ve always loved the Poles; we’re a lot closer to them in many ways than we are the French, the Italians and the incomprehensible garment-rending Germans. The Polish are patriotic, level headed and highly allergic to leftism, much like we used to be before politicians decided that the vote to chase was that of the helpless children.

So, while Poles have been doing the right thing and looking after Number One and migrating to the UK for better earnings, to then send money back home to keep their families and help their country, Britain has been engaged in a bit of garment-rending of its own. And, of course, once in the UK you can expect – nay you can demand – all that is due a British citizen. Thus all you need do is get here, plead hardship and the jolly old British system will rob its own to pay you to stay.

At least that’s how it looks to the indigenous Brits who see the segregation and ghettoization of communities who will not integrate – and where is the evidence that it is otherwise? The reaction of peaceful people is not to take up cudgels to but to budge over; white flight is a natural reaction to seeing your home territories turned into wastelands of neglect and overrun with the alien. It is not racist to want to live as you have always lived; even Trevor Phillips is now dismayed at how his Commission for Racial Equality was used to further an apparent agenda of population replacement and demonise all who raised concern.

Far from immigrants ‘paying the pensions of the lazy British’ we now have to work longer into old age to pay for the vast majority of minimum wage immigrants and their families in Britain. Why? Because we have been fed a steady diet of bullshit to facilitate that descent into serfs. We have been told simultaneously that the young British are workshy and that they deserve better. Instead of training our own and educating them to enter the workforce at an appropriate level we have told them they should go to university and amass debts they will never repay, gaining qualifications of little merit.

We have lowered and lowered school grades to maintain an appearance of attainment while managing somehow for our school leavers to be way down the league table in every subject. How can the English be 37th in the world in... English? How can the nation which gave the world engineering produce so few engineers? How can the nation which gave the world science produce whole cohorts of school leavers who can’t even spell physics?

A graduate speaks...

The conspiracy theorists will say that this is a deliberate dumbing-down of the population so that we can obey a One World Order directive to flood the white nations with brown people and create a single universal mixed race. That is way too complicated and more than a little bit deranged. What has really happened is that over several decades our politicians have fallen prey to the idiot notions of equality and diversity and have pursued short-term policies to achieve those outcomes, oblivious to the harm they have done.

This is why Brexit. This is why Trump. And the panicked reactions of western governments to now try and suppress free speech, praise infantile left wing activism and deny, deny, deny all the harm they have done is because they are blind to the simple realities of the ‘uneducated’ (unblinkered) masses. Instead they are in thrall to their own delusions of competence and deal with the cognitive dissonance of facing reality by repeating their mistakes over and over again. The solution to the destruction that mass immigration has wrought is more mass immigration? We live in interesting times.


  1. We are indeed living in interesting times. What we are experiencing is the decline and fall of a civilisation. When I was a school boy and later I marveled at the Roman and British empires their achievements good and bad but noted how Rome had declined and then abruptly ended. Never did it enter my head that Britain and the West would follow the same path but it is and for exactly the same reasons. Corruption, decadence, debasement of coin and society and the incompetent handling of immigration. The last one being the most pernicious and devastating.

    1. As civilisations mature they forget the bonds which forged their common goals. As they liberalise they imagine that uncritical tolerance is progress. And then they become prey to those with stronger motives to supplant them.

  2. Being in the EU has meant that politicians do not have to devise policies or lead, they have become managers, implementing decisions made elsewhere. One can argue about the extent to which they have input into those decisions but that has become the territory of civil servants not elected representatives. That is why I contend our politicians are often so poor, there is little to attract men and women of principle who want to make a difference. Eurosceptic politicians are routinely passed over for promotion.

    1. The EU is a symptom of the problem a very large one agreed but is not the root cause the one that causes to do stupid things like joining the EEC the EU as it was then but our descent into decadent progressive mediocrity and the decay in our moral fibre.

    2. I wouldn't argue with that. One feeds off the other.
