
Friday, 24 August 2018


So, Twitter suspended my account.

No reason given that I can find; I can only assume that they object to my aversion to being blown up, or to my registering an aversion to being blown up. Or my perfectly reasonable observation that slaughtering animals in the streets and revelling in the blood and gore is not the sort of thing that most British people wish their elected officials to be praising.
Or maybe it was because I suggested that hordes of aggressive invaders of borders, who can in no way be considered refugees ought to be repelled, with deadly force if no other method yields results.
Or could it be because I voted to leave the European Union which is considered in itself to be an evil, subversive, democracy-denying act, intended to bring starvation, disease and humiliation upon the millions of correct-thinking people who didn't believe the lies on the bus?

One thing seems pretty certain though; it is only by expressing the approved opinions that one's voice may be heard on social media platforms. I suspect it is only so long before Blogger, too, will be policed by the useful idiots of the leftocracy.

Until then, then, it seems I have just this one platform left from which to spout my vile, far-right, Nazi hatred of decency and humanity.

Does anybody remember Free Expression?

PS: Do please let everybody know I've been axed and from the look of it I can't even log on to Twitter any more, so I can't see anything at all.


  1. Any other platforms by which to escape the censorship of the sanctimonious?

    1. Well, gab of course. I opened an account there a year ago, but apart from a couple of desultory trial posts I haven't used it.

    2. Same here. It's a sad and lonely place.

  2. I'm on Gab, but nobody seems to want to talk on there.

    1. Get back on. We'll see you right, buddy.

    2. The Ragpicker (Twitter)25 August 2018 at 20:33

      Temporary suspension I hope. Get back on Twitter soon. Gab is always quiet, it'll grow with time though I'm sure. Twitter is deteriorating fast. All the best.

    3. What's your gab adress?

    4. Twitter is invisible to me altogether now. I can't even log on to see what I'm supposed to have done wrong.

  3. What a pile of shit Twitter is becoming. You'll be much missed old chap.

  4. Deep state is getting ever more nasty.

  5. Welcome to modern Britain, mother of parliaments and home of free speech. I have been described by the left as a high profile far right activist and assure you if you don't, mend your ways the left will subject you to the same abuse and even death treats I have been subjected to. You may say only such things as are approved of by Big brother or face the consequences in our free country.

  6. I am totally appalled and shocked to hear of your suspension. I've always greatly enjoyed your tweets, and have never seen anything in them that could be remotely construed as unreasonable. When I think of all the bile-filled, truly hateful tweets written by Leftists who never get suspended, I feel furious.

    I do hope you'll keep up your marvellous blog - which is a 'must-read' for me and I'm quite sure many, many others - and that it doesn't ever suffer the same fate as your twitter account. And just hope that a new platform will soon emerge (alas, I have little faith in Gab, at least so far) where genuinely fair-minded people can exchange views. In the meantime, keep up the great work here, and don't let the bar stewards get you down.

    1. Gab is clunky, but I guess it's all we've got, so far.
      I will probably spend more time on the blog now, given that my ONLY social outlet has shut me out.
      I haven't been able to use Facebook since they sort of got rid of the wall, best part of a decade ago; I don't know how to interact on it.

  7. Just saw your post about suspension shared in Twitter, it is basically, exactly as happened to me a year ago, no explanation from Twitter HQ, no real rights to appeal, if I were the suspicious type (and I am) I'd suspect that only the liberals/left-wingers and the terminally bland thrive on Twitter these days.

  8. Bloody 'ell! What a bunch of twats! Are you on GAB?

  9. I am looking at Mastodon - it is a federated service so like loads of mini twitters, but all linked together (a couple of hundred thousand users so far) - each instance/node has its own boss - and it is open source so you can even run your own.

    There are many clients formit, but the default/basic one is just like twitters tweetdeck.

    I will happily set one up for non-sjw types banished from other services... just need to think of a suitable 'domain name' for it...


    By the way I can still log into my permanently banned pperrin account - just cant do much - but can download my 300k tweets! So you shouldnt actually be locked out from logging in...

    1. I am though!
      What you suggest sounds interesting but I'm not sure I have the time or energy to start over. Gab is well, it's like infant Twitter, but I suppose it's better than nothing.
      Keep in touch.

    2. I have registered the domain it should be online soon... i'll set it up to auto post the best blogs, spread the word and see what happens.

      I have a couple of hundred people on email lists for brexit and free speech stuff... email is still king of the backstop communication channnels!

    3. Ok I've done it is open for business.

      It looks pretty much like tweetdeck, also has various clients for Android, iOS, windows etc.

      If you do fancy giving it a go at all, let ne know, I'd do all I can to rally your former followers.

      Could pre-announce your joining, make a show if it :).

  10. Can you not rejoin using a new account? I've got several of them. Mark appears to be cut down and he's reincarnated several times now.

    You'll be sadly missed if you don't get back on there. In the meantime, see you on Gab @JennyPenny

    1. They appear to be suspended too.
      I've been at work since it happened, so haven't really had the chance to try anything yet.

  11. I'm on Twatter (shadowbanned, naturally)

    I have a Gab account too though people seem to desperate to keep a prescence on Twatter because it's somewhere where you can ridicule lefty idiots. Gab is fine but it's a shouting room for conservatives and liberatrians in the same way as the Groanian or the Huff is for liberal lefties.

    We badly need a politically neutral platform where we can air our views and win the arguments. Problem is of course, the left's arguments are so weak, their only way to maintain any credibility and their control over the political and social narrative is to shut down anyone who doesn't share their insane worldview

    Crazy times

    1. Check out I just set it up as part of the mastodon federation (hundreds of thousands of users). Basically open source twitter - but you get to chose your @jack... I this case me!

  12. Sorry to hear this. In the last couple of weeks I've seen countless vile antisemitic tweets from corbyn goblins but you can bet that few if any of these accounts will be suspended or even shadow banned. But dare to maintain that there are only two genders, for example, and your time is up. The only hope may be that Twitter is brought before the US Supreme Court and ordered to drop its political bias, but from t'other side of the pond I have no idea how likely that is to happen.

    Anyway, try to keep up the good work in whatever way you can.
