
Saturday, 3 December 2022

The Racing News

You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you? The ‘African Queen’, Ngozi Fulani, so deeply wounded by Lady Susan Hussey’s interest in her ancestral origins, turns out to be a fraud. Born of Caribbean immigrants in London and christened Marlene Headley, she later adopted the teachings of the race industry and graduated from SOAS – the London college renowned for churning out prominent activists obsessed by skin colour.

Like Shola Mugabe Umbongo and Behind-you Andrews, the products of SOAS seem hell bent on finding offence where none is intended and invent micro-aggressions to feed their outrage. Susan Hussey was only asking exactly what Marlene has spent her own life asking. Maybe she was more affronted because she actually didn’t know the answer. Given the context of the event, “no, where are you really from?” seems to be an entirely reasonable question, especially as the supposed ‘charity’ she was representing is very clear who its clients are – abused white women need not apply.

Representing herself as a proud child of the dark continent and prominently sporting a Jamaican headband, and especially having espoused her African origins so deeply, why didn’t she answer the original question with the response any reasonable non-race-baiting grifter might have offered in such company? “I was born in England, my parents came from the Caribbean, but I have adopted an African name to show my proud heritage” would almost certainly have elicited a delighted response. “How marvellous, my dear. Tell me all about it.”

But that would be entirely contrary to the purpose of this, just the latest in a prolonged and very deliberate attack on whiteness. For all her protestations – she has been all over the airwaves talking loudly about how she didn’t want to cause a fuss – the whole thing has played out perfectly. Ask who you are not allowed to criticise, said Voltaire, and you will know who rules over you. And we get it: white supremacy, bad, but how does that make black supremacy good?

How safe do you feel now, Whitey?

Sistah Space, the charity runs by Ms Headley doesn’t just go to bat for abused women of colour, it also runs courses to train white people in ‘cultural competency. Because, yes, it is white people who are the problem. Just imagine the headlines if a white charity ran courses in ‘how to leave the machete in the jungle’, or ‘please don’t rape her just because she’s white’? It’s all gone far too far and it is high time we learned not to pander to the critical race theory mob. Back in your box, Marlene.

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