
Sunday, 7 May 2023

It's Time...

 Lots of whingers and whiners out and about yesterday, moaning about the existence of a monarch in the first place, the cost of the day, and perhaps most of all, indignation at the arrests of the Republic protesters. As a former allegiant to HM QEII, having been a member of the armed forces, I am ambivalent to the reign of KCIII and take only a passing interest in matters royal. But as an Englishman I have no problem with the continuance of the institution, just so long as it has no problem with me.

But the shrieks of indignant calamity, along with cries of “Police State!” and “Welcome to the UKSSR!” are just performative ‘look at me’ nonsense. The right to peaceful protest is an apparent and oft-repeated cornerstone of democracy, although I have never felt the need, but surely in a democracy the will of the majority should prevail. And I’m pretty sure the majority would have felt the demonstration lowered the tone. I doubt they will be charged, but to be arrested and removed was probably the right police action in this case.

Protest is one thing but being an annoying prat and spoiling the party is just infantile. It’s only a shame that the police can’t exercise the democratic rights of the majority not to be continually harassed by the legions of misanthropes out there, who would deny us all we enjoy. The world outside that of ordinary, hard-working people just trying to get by, seems to be crowded out by the assorted miserabilists of the age:

Just Stop Oil, plying their insincere trade mere weeks after Drax have been chastised for their biomass operation being not only more polluting than coal, but more expensive, funded by the taxpayer and having the effect of actually increasing carbon emissions. Extinction Rebellion and its offshoots, hypocritically intent on bringing about the extinction of the human race, or at least the enjoyment of human life. And all the other causes-du-jour with no aim in their lives other than ruining everybody else’s.

So, the coronation is over; Charles can crack on and dabble with his favoured causes, and it’s time for the country to get back to work unhindered by the pseudo-science and psychobabble of the new-age seers who imagine themselves as Cassandras, but invariably turn out to be Nostradami, whose prophecies only appear to come true if you twist the facts beyond reason. Ignore them, resist their entreaties and resort to the one paradigm that has propped up human society from the start; every man for himself.

Let's get back to work...

Sod the planet, let’s save the nation. Reject the globalist for the local. Family, community, town then county. Get that right, restore a bit of personal, then family pride and national pride will surely follow. Don’t expect help from the state, look after your own, and things should fall back into place. Fight your fight before you take up arms for others and most of all, don’t fall for the bullshit. It’s time to get his shit sorted.


  1. When are you returning to Twitter? You are missed @Not GeorgešŸ˜Š

    1. Hi there. I'm still out in the cold. I can't get on Twitter.

    2. You’re needed on Twitter. Lots of previously banned folk are back.I can’t believe Tommy Robinson & that Hopkins women can get back on but you can’t ?

    3. Believe me, I have tried. It seems I am soooooo dangerous I can't be allowed a voice.

  2. Please come back Batts, your pithy truths are sorely missed.

    1. Thank you, but I just can't get on, even using a VPN.

  3. Not me, I'm afraid. I am still persona non grata over there. It may be too late, though, now that Zuckerberg is determined to blow Twitter out of the water.
