Sunday 4 August 2024


 It begins with a lie: There is no god but allah and mohammed is his prophet. But, just as with the fairy tales of the Christian bible, uneducated people believe the lies, and line up to bow before an altar, a robe, a holy relic, or just an idea. One such unholy idea is politics, a belief which inflicts on its followers all manner of ailments, including the notions of right and wrong, all aligned with whichever political deity before which you choose to genuflect.

The problem with politics is that politics, as a concept, is almost entirely a thing of the left. Most people are happy to rub along, get along, make do and do unto others, etc. Despite humans being a social animal, we still have individual ambitions and seek a sense of achievement, and even within team events, achievement is often most highly prized when it is individual. Individualism is a trait of the right, and anathema to those who prize legalised authority over others.

The formation of organised groups to lobby for desired outcomes is a leftist, herd instinct, which does not come easily to high achievers, but does, very much, appeal to those who, for whatever reason, feel discontent with their lot yet helpless to change it. So, in politics, the left always has the advantage of numbers and whenever right-of-centre groups try to play the game they often attract some of the worst sorts of people; individuals looking to exploit a group for their own ends.

But this does not mean the left is somehow morally superior; they just have a better chance of assembling a crowd which will protest to order, or by appealing to tribal instincts getting the vote out, or influencing young minds to engage in groupthink. Whereas the right really doesn’t have anything like the dog whistle the left persuades itself they blow. If there is a call to heel it is from the left.

So the endless tirades of the media and poor politicians against the ‘far right’ is only heard by those who already believe in this largely fictitious political leaning. The protesters are frustrated individuals, united by a sense of helplessness. When their children were being raped, their soldiers beheaded, and their numbers being mowed down by islamic jihadis there was no such concerted action against the perpetrators. Yet islam’s avowed intention is to subjugate the entire world to the non-existent allah’s imaginary will.

Where is the manifesto of the far right? Who are its leaders? When have they ever been the cause of violence and cultural destruction, rather than just reacting to it? And seeing the establishment trying to point the finger of blame and shame at them what do you imaging the instincts of the rioters will be? The left are accusing the individuals of behaving as the left and their partners in islam do when trying to intimidate their targets.

So, by all means, Mister Starmer (Interesting how many Marxists love a knighthood, isn’t it?) open the courts 24-7, free up some jail cells and prosecute people whose main crimes are political helplessness, poverty and despair. But don’t forget that others are watching you. Do you imagine for one minute that when their time comes to rule this country the imams will seek to persuade by thoughtful argument and nuance? No. You are showing them exactly how to suppress their detractors and they will thank you for it.

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