I’ve been critical of people on Twitter. For that I
apologise; I only ever wanted to be loved. So might go the defence pleas in
mitigation for those who stand accused of ‘hate crimes’, for which read ‘mild antipathy’.
I mean, lobbing a petrol-filled bottle at a mosque is a hate crime, as is
beheading a captive journalist simply for not being muslim. Actual crime,
fuelled by hatred, is hate crime. But now words are the instruments of war; hate
and fear, the media claims, fear and hate – two-four-six-eight who do we excoriate?
The UK hate crime laws are based on perception and
hearsay and much of the origin of so-called hate crime is tribal in origin;
muslims against the west, the west against uncontrolled immigration, Tories
against Labour, the UK versus the EU, etc. So let’s all just calm down and
agree that the hysteria and hype is unworthy. Corbyn isn’t a demented communist
would-be dictator; he’s just a daft old bugger. And Boris isn’t a
speed-fuelled, back-combed glove puppet; he’s just a floppy-haired eejit. Neither
is Tommy Robinson a hate-mongering neo-Nazi. And for all his shortcomings Owen
Jones is basically a nice bloke who fell for the party line. Etc...
So let’s have a look at a world without hyperbole:
Conservatives – clue in the name – believe in a touch of
parsimony, living within your means and generally not rocking the boat.
Conservatives are charitable but thrifty and think that you value more that
which you have to strive for. Human frailties are weaknesses to be overcome,
not ‘conditions’ to be slave to, so large ‘C’ Conservatives have little time
for indulgence in what they see as the largely self-inflicted epidemic of
extreme minority issues. And they definitely don't eat babies.
Labour – the name is now largely historical – believe in equality
and that the state is the method by which this can be achieved. They see as
manifestly unfair that some people amass wealth and pass it on to their
offspring and would see the wealth distributed as equitably as possible, if
only there was a system which could actually achieve this. With a strong belief
in social justice they see themselves as defenders of the weak and consequently
don’t generally believe in challenging a person’s self-assertion that they are
in need.
Me – I believe in self-reliance, endeavour and having a
go. But that’s so boring isn’t it, being reasonable? You have to pick a side
these days. You can’t have the opposition leader at PM’s Questions saying “You
know what? I think you are dead right to pursue that approach and I for one
would like to offer you the support of my party in getting the legislation past
those bastards in the Lords!” That would be like watching a whodunit where the
first thing you see was, well, who done it.
On the political compass test I come out slap bang in the
middle; right in the cross hairs. But this can’t be right because, according to Twitter I am 'literally Hitler, spreading my poison and racism and all that shizzle. In reality I think I
am in the so-called silent majority (except for the silent bit!). I work, pay
my taxes, do stuff for myself from time to time and generally just get on with
living. Just like most other people, I'm a nice guy at heart.
But there seems to be a real appetite for extremes; more
so now than for a long time Express a preference for a smaller, less intrusive
state and you are condemned as a Nazi, which is odd, as the Nazis worshipped
their overbearing state. Express a desire for peace and harmony and you are a
card-carrying communist, which is odd, as the communists deliberately starved the
population of Ukraine and killed many millions throughout the soviet states.
Look into my eyes...
It doesn’t seem to matter what you believe, there is
always somebody on the next-but-one tweet that not only disagrees with you but
is able to probe into your deep, dark soul and divine your innermost thoughts.
I imagine even somebody who does little more than post cute images of kittens runs
the risk of being branded a dog-hater. Recognising this inability to empathise
with each other I can only conclude that peace and love and harmony is beyond
the reach of humanity... but imagine what a boring place it would be if we ever
got there?
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