Thursday, 9 January 2025

Give me all your women!

 In a restaurant scene in the original Blues Brothers film, Jake Blues, played by John Belushi orders chicken and then offers to buy a fellow customer’s womenfolk. “How much for your leedle girl?” he asks, “I want to buy all your women.” It is no accident that he uses a middle-eastern accent, an accent associated with islam. It conjures up ancient memories of the camel-borne sex slave trade which is still practiced today in locations as exotic and far-flung as Rochdale, Telford, Rotherham… you get it.

So why doesn’t Keir Starmer’s Barmy Army get it? Last night Labour MPs were whipped to vote against the bill for a national inquiry into the child rape/assault/murder epidemic which, despite all official efforts to say otherwise, is prevalent in areas with a large muslim population. Moreover, areas with a high proportion of interbred Pakistani muslims, many of whom were born here but seem incapable of shedding the animal urges of their true nationality.

It is notable that there are no protests from the ‘majority moderate muslim’ population, and of course there won’t be. A current contender to lead the muslim* Council of Britain – what a disgusting, stomach-churning title that is – has preached that muslims must put their faith first, before their nationality. As far as I am concerned that alone disqualifies any observant muslim from being a true British citizen, no matter how long their family has been here.

Don’t tar everybody with the same brush, certain bien-pensants may say, well fuck that. Here is a line in the sand and on one side stands Labour and the people it is protecting and on the other stands every decent person in the country. You are welcome to cross that line and join us. Abandon your stone-age faith, whether that faith be islam or socialism, or be on the wrong side. I hesitate to say ‘losing side’ because from where I am standing the odds of reversing the damage are long.

The direction of travel is still very much toward a muslim majority Europe unless actual physical means are employed to change tack. And this means arrests, convictions by the thousand) incarceration and deportation to anywhere we can send them. And deportation must be regardless of any fear for their safety; they did not regard their victims as human, why should we afford them a higher personal dignity? And don’t even start down the argument that such action makes us as bad as them.

Seriously? The rape and abuse and torture of vulnerable young girls from families already abandoned by the state; the utter ruination of young lives; the total disregard for the law; the looking away of people charged with protecting these girls. You think that punishing these people harshly makes us look bad? This is an infestation of the worst kind of vermin, spreading disease and poisoning the water; only one solution – eradication – can be effective.

The next train to Bradford is leaving from platform 1

So, yet again I find myself exhorting those disgusted by the perversions of islam and its adherents to do something. If you are a police officer, judge, social worker, politician, local authority official, teacher, anyone in a position to report and act against this behaviour then do your job. And if you are a muslim you have to decide; do you wish to forever be assumed to be a cheerleader for gang rape, or do you do the right thing? Boycott your mosque, get out in the streets in protest. Leave your faith. Anything less will be taken as evidence that you are every bit as evil as the rapists.


(*A reminder that my tiny personal crusade against islam is not to capitalise islamic references, as I don’t regard fictitious beliefs as worthy of being a proper noun.)

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