Well, here we are again at that time of the year when we
are all invited to predict the future, get it spectacularly wrong and then
discover that nobody really cares after all. Like the time when I predicted a
60/40 Remain/Leave vote when the referendum was announced. It seems futurology is
a game for the experts which mere mangénues
should ne’er feign to follow. Seriously, nobody knows the future, so it would
be most unwise to forecast events which have yet to transpire. So, here goes.
I have been bequeathed just one vision for 2018. In my
deep and tranquil sleep – the happy slumber of the righteous Brexiteer, so
ignorant am I of the mental harm I have done to half my fellow countrymen – the
only recurrent dream is the open-mouthed face of the proto-Remainer. Like Munch’s
famous painting this face looks out imploringly at me and mouths its silent
scream. Silent because, having started out shrill, it has risen in pitch to
become almost inaudible to the human ear. Almost.
If Twitter had sound it would be a never-ending screech
of angst, of impotent rage, of despair, of loss... and it would mostly be
coming from one direction. It can’t be coincidence that the apparently disparate
clumps of those who espouse the most minor of rights – all flavours of them - believe that they will only be free to pursue
those entitlements within the bounds of a supranational administration. Such an
administration that will ignore the settled wishes of the majority and happily
impose on them the duty to tolerate and bend to those they find intolerable, by force of
So, throughout 2018 and beyond, the imaginary fight of
those who sport the #FBPE hashtag will play out. Every business closure, every
dip in the value of the pound, every price rise will be blamed on Brexit and
the uneducated racists who voted for it. And every high profile figure who vows
– without any obvious power to do so – to reverse the decision will be cheered
as a conquering hero. The battlefield will echo to their cheers and groans, their
apparent triumphs and their disappointments. But the noise will be coming,
mostly, from one side.
What the Remain camp appears not to have realised is that
nobody is fighting back. Leave won and they have left the field. Like Japanese
soldiers on Pacific islands, Remainers are continuing to fight the war long
after it is ended. And while they keep up the struggle inside their own heads, Brexiteers
are busily getting on, negotiating the peace. The day after Brexit, when we all
wake up and discover that nothing has changed, that no damage has been done,
Remainers will have only two options.
It's bright, it's Brexit
Those who are mentally strong enough will be able to
shrug, sniff the air, realise their fears were unfounded and begin to rebuild
the bridges they burned during the Article 50 period. They will be welcomed
back into the fold. But the rest will behave like doomsday cultists, seeing the
absence of Armageddon as evidence that their prayers have been answered; and
they will strengthen their faith as a result. We will need to be charitable to
them and treat their EU delusion as the mental illness it is. We will need to
be better than them.