How can anybody hope to vote ‘the right way’? If Twitter
is any guide – and in the new connected world we keep hearing about it must surely
be representative of those who HAVE an opinion – it is unlikely. Given that
most opinions are deeply embedded, formed from an agglomeration of our background
and our experiences and our flocking with birds of similar plumage, entrenched
views can be hard to shift. It is doubly difficult given that we filter even relatively
dispassionate news reporting through our own biased mindset. But how are we to
process the news that UKIP is to be condemned by a cross-party alliance for
running a 'racist' campaign?
Really? Farage’s Army is so evil that only a concerted
campaign by parties normally at war with each other can possibly stop them? Disaffected
ex-Labour and Conservative voters are actually The Nazis now? I seem to recall
the union rallies of the 1970s and 80s having far more in common with Goebbels’
dogma chanting mobs than the KIPpers’ cheerful gatherings in homely pubs. And
see how easily people believe what they WANT to believe. Reaction to a recent
distorted story about Roger Helmer was visceral; the story taken at face value and
people expressing disgust rather than incredulity. I doubt that many bothered
to read his rebuttal.
So your mind is made up? Forget the policies and concentrate
on one emotive thing - opposition to uncontrolled immigration is purely racist
and not prompted by any economic argument. Inward migration of low-skilled
workers – despite all logic – is unremittingly good, essential even? Odd then, that
a newspaper that has often been called racist itself, but has also happily headlined
spurious examples of racism, today carries the news that 150,000 EU migrants effectively pay no tax at all and many others are a net drain on UK taxpayers. (I
may have pointed this out a few hundred times before.)
As a sovereign island nation we've never been fully
comfortable with the notion of being European and even after forty years of EU
membership there is a vague fifty-fifty split for IN or OUT, but based on what?
For almost certainly the majority of UK citizens it would make no immediate
difference but the machine is on the move to claim their minds. The current spin
– recently adopted by a variety of otherwise antipathetic ideologues – is that for
all those years we have only ever heard bad things and not enough has been done
by the pro-debate to illustrate the benefits. This is of course code for “We've
had a meeting and realised we may be losing the argument, so we've decided what
you need to be told. But sod facts, we know you’re not good with facts; we’re
going to stick with unquantifiable emotive stuff like racism.”
Why do I want out of the EU federal projekt? Quite simply because I have little
enough faith in our own elected representatives to tell the truth, but at least
we have a slight chance of rattling their cages every five years. The EU is
largely run – and very expensively at that – by hordes of unknowns, many of
them with solid socialist and even communist credentials and with absolutely no
interest in the unique concerns of the UK. I want control of our national
interests entirely within our borders. And that’s it. A fully accountable UK
government; one we can change if they don’t perform.
Snack time in the EU - is this what you want?
So, what’s to be done? The truth will never gain what
they now call ‘traction’ so in a dirty war of words, what trumps racism? I’m pretty
sure a bit of inventive spinning and media distortion could easily portray Van
Rompuy as looking like a low-grade paedophile. And Martin Shulz could be rumoured
to be a coprophiliac – a charge oft-levelled at a certain former German leader.
With a knowing wink we could say, “allegations are unproven” and thereby firmly
plant the notion that a vote for the EU is vote to be ruled by a bunch of Nazi,
shit-eating, kiddy-fiddling perverts… and foreigners to boot.