We go now, live to the forest, where our time travelling reporter
is about to interview a stout yeoman of old England...
Greeting, stout yeoman of Olde Englande!
Less of
the olde, if you don’t mind. It might have taken us a few score years to
assimilate and Anglify ye French invaders, but they speak Englishe nowe and
after much work we have vanquished the Moor and established a vision of
Englishe identity which will endure for a thousand years. We just have one last
push, to quell those rebellious Scots and then all is, as they sayeth around here,
bang on.
So, tell me pray, for what does an Englishman long?
Seems pretty reasonable to me. But what of the lame, the
sick, the demented?
Such weakness
as accrues from sloth would attract my ire – the obese, the idle the drunk, the
meddlesome witch, the troubling rabble rouser – and should be discouraged at
first but if needs must be banished. But for those ails as may be no fault of
thine own I beseech we can provide succour and balm, for it is a characteristic
of we Englishe to bestow charity where it is needed.
Might you one day make alliance with a foreign power?
I pray
there may be no neede but, of course, should great evil befall the land then if
some friendly ally offers treaty in arms to fend off the devils, we should cooperate
as pleases and benefits the peoples of both, for as long as is needed to triumph
over that which threatens. Thus to the crusades we went in defence of the true
way of Albion and her daughters.
And what of a foreign king, should he offer protection
for fealty?
Nay, for
we have but recently taken in the Norman and made him of our own. The invader
has become native, tamed, trained and made civil as befits our Brittanic wayes.
All may come here under sufferance that they give up their strange practices
and adopt our own in their stead, for to become Englishe is truly to become as
a king in thine own castle. We have no use for foreign masters.
Come at me, bruv!
Yet the court seer portends that one day a great nation
of Europe shall arise which shall extend the hand of friendship and the shield
of protection towards all ye of different faiths, nationalities, creeds, and allegiances.
An empire which shall sweep away that which selfish nationhood has built and held
for its own. Would you not seek end to war and famine and strife in return for a simple oath of
unswerving loyalty to the union and all its agencies?
That can fucke right off.
Europe offers some protection and a sort of friendship but only if we are prepared to become a vassal state. In the end we will lose everything English including our currency, traditions and way of life. Anyone who wishes to live as a slave to the EU is more than welcome to move to any of the EU regions they want but leave us freedom loving patriots alone.