Thursday 22 August 2024

Unite the Right?

Aren’t podcasts a marvellous thing? No longer confined to live broadcast media channels I now listen to pods as I drive into work in the wee hours of the morning. Today it was the turn of Adam Fleming’s long-form production, ‘Anti-Social’ which purports to take both sides of an issue, examine it critically and dispassionately, and draw no overall conclusions about right or wrong. But, of course, being a product of the BBC, for all he tries ‘young Adam’ (as Andrew Neil used to call him) can’t help but show a little more sympathy for one view than another.

This morning the theme was counter protests and the champion for their cause was Maxine Bowler – community activist and independent socialist - who has a long history of left-wing agitation over the last few decades. Organisation like the Anti-Nazi League, which became Unite against Fascism, which became the Anti-Racism Alliance… you get the picture. (Judean people’s front?) The one thing they all have backing them? The Socialist Worker Party.

When you hear accusations of rent-a-crowd demonstrations, you can be sure people are referring to the guiding principle of the SWP which is to protest about absolutely everything and defend the rights of absolutely everybody, except those with whom they disagree. Ms Bower did not disappoint in this respect. Setting herself and her cause as moral guardians against the disgusting ‘far right’ she naturally invoked the Battle of Cable Street as a starting point for all right-thinking people to come together and fight the terrors of Nazism, even though the real battle was between counter protesters and the police and did almost nothing to deter Mosely and his blackshirts and in fact actually aided their recruitment.

Let me see, Nazism; a creed which brooks no dissent, tolerates no departure from ‘the rules’ which it alone sets, and defends itself intellectually against inferior thinking. Nazism; a movement with fearsome powers of organisation and the ability to mobilise its warriors against ‘them’, the others, who don’t agree with the kind and cuddly tenets of Marxism. Nazism; the short form for the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. Hmmm…

In a way it was quite funny listening to Maxine ‘othering’ the right even as she railed against them ‘othering’ immigrants groups; insisting that the far right organising online was an affront to democracy itself, even as she proudly related the long history of socialism’s mobilisation of the easily led; deploring the horrible racism of the far right while defending the right of keffiyeh-clad, armed and masked ‘protesters’ to demand the eradication of Jews. In fact she even managed to defend Hamas and the left with its long history of antisemitism by insisting that they were not ‘antisemetic’[sic] at all.

The other side, incidentally, didn’t appear to get any real right to reply, being largely represented by an old-time copper – Andrew Trotter, ex of the Met. – who did his level best to not take sides at all. A few professorial commentators made sociological observations about stuff, but there really wasn’t anybody to balance out the good old-fashioned anti-British invective of the left. It’s good to know that the BBC has not shifted one inch since Orwell.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Where do we go from here?

 Is there anything in this country which isn’t broken? And is it any better anywhere else in the west? Education appears to be churning out malfunctioning clones with despair as their default setting; will they ever get a job, be able to afford a place to live, have a meaningful life? If they observe what is going on and develop opinions which run counter to their peers, will they be labelled as extremists?

And what of learning from your mistakes, especially as today mistakes may well land one in jail. The world has become divided, bitter, antagonistic and downright dangerous. The phenomena of ‘quiet quitting’ and demanding workers rights before ever doing a day’s work have eroded the social contract between employers and their staff. The ever-increasing demand for some nebulous meaning is a drag anchor on ever arriving at true meaning.

Keir Starmer is about to introduce legislation to further prevent people from developing as rounded human beings, enshrining in law that employers must not make demands on their workers that fall outside some poorly understood framework of acceptability, to be decided, presumably, by politicians such as himself and the deranged Angela Rayner.

He cites productivity as his incentive, yet has no experience whatsoever in producing anything of tangible value, claiming that working from home – the skiver’s nirvana – is every worker’s right and that actually turning up to work (presenteeism) is a driver of poor productivity. In the new fantasy, Angela in Labour Land, it is indeed achievable to believe six impossible things before breakfast.

The ideas of earning respect, rather than deserving it without question has been abandoned. The idea of work as its own reward has been left in the dust, presumably because to learn this, one needs to actually apply oneself to work, and lots of it. The gradual acquisition of skills, likewise, appears to have landed in the ‘too difficult’ in-tray; if gratification isn’t instant it isn’t gratifying any more.

No, everybody under the age of 40 (and some old fools, too) wants to be seen, to be lauded, to be desired, to be the envy of the rest. Travel, once the broadener of the mind, has become narrow, egocentric and a mere vehicle for the expression of individuality with every individual posting the exact same message on social media and all following the latest fads. (“Yes, we are all individuals!”) And what on earth is a social media influencer, anyway? What is the point of them?

I genuinely worry for the future of the west when the fewer children who are brought into being will be the product of narcissists and serial failures, the flotsam of a society adrift on an ocean of mediocrity and instant fulfillment of the shallowest of urges. Where is the pride in a job well done; where is the reward for hard work and persistence? And when everything stops working completely, to whom do we turn to fix it? Stop the world, I want to get off.

Sunday 4 August 2024


 It begins with a lie: There is no god but allah and mohammed is his prophet. But, just as with the fairy tales of the Christian bible, uneducated people believe the lies, and line up to bow before an altar, a robe, a holy relic, or just an idea. One such unholy idea is politics, a belief which inflicts on its followers all manner of ailments, including the notions of right and wrong, all aligned with whichever political deity before which you choose to genuflect.

The problem with politics is that politics, as a concept, is almost entirely a thing of the left. Most people are happy to rub along, get along, make do and do unto others, etc. Despite humans being a social animal, we still have individual ambitions and seek a sense of achievement, and even within team events, achievement is often most highly prized when it is individual. Individualism is a trait of the right, and anathema to those who prize legalised authority over others.

The formation of organised groups to lobby for desired outcomes is a leftist, herd instinct, which does not come easily to high achievers, but does, very much, appeal to those who, for whatever reason, feel discontent with their lot yet helpless to change it. So, in politics, the left always has the advantage of numbers and whenever right-of-centre groups try to play the game they often attract some of the worst sorts of people; individuals looking to exploit a group for their own ends.

But this does not mean the left is somehow morally superior; they just have a better chance of assembling a crowd which will protest to order, or by appealing to tribal instincts getting the vote out, or influencing young minds to engage in groupthink. Whereas the right really doesn’t have anything like the dog whistle the left persuades itself they blow. If there is a call to heel it is from the left.

So the endless tirades of the media and poor politicians against the ‘far right’ is only heard by those who already believe in this largely fictitious political leaning. The protesters are frustrated individuals, united by a sense of helplessness. When their children were being raped, their soldiers beheaded, and their numbers being mowed down by islamic jihadis there was no such concerted action against the perpetrators. Yet islam’s avowed intention is to subjugate the entire world to the non-existent allah’s imaginary will.

Where is the manifesto of the far right? Who are its leaders? When have they ever been the cause of violence and cultural destruction, rather than just reacting to it? And seeing the establishment trying to point the finger of blame and shame at them what do you imaging the instincts of the rioters will be? The left are accusing the individuals of behaving as the left and their partners in islam do when trying to intimidate their targets.

So, by all means, Mister Starmer (Interesting how many Marxists love a knighthood, isn’t it?) open the courts 24-7, free up some jail cells and prosecute people whose main crimes are political helplessness, poverty and despair. But don’t forget that others are watching you. Do you imagine for one minute that when their time comes to rule this country the imams will seek to persuade by thoughtful argument and nuance? No. You are showing them exactly how to suppress their detractors and they will thank you for it.

Friday 2 August 2024

And then things got worse...

You hear it everywhere, every day. The other morning, I listened to The Climate Question podcast, recorded shortly after the UK and EU elections. Concern was expressed that the ‘progressive left’ was ceding ground to the ‘populist far right’, and this was a concern for the fight against climate change because the ‘populist far right’ clearly means ordinary working class people; people who simply don’t have the intellect to grasp the issues. It didn't take long for our new government to revert to type.

Tough words, yesterday, from Sir Kneeler Starmer regarding the white riots. I didn’t notice any Prime Ministerial press conferences when the Harehills riot kicked off in Leeds. Starmer didn’t feel the need to call a press conference when the Rochdale police station was under siege. Similarly no government intervention when children were slaughtered by a knife-wielding non-white. Yet the second a small bunch of desperately disenfranchised white people kick off we get an emergency press conference, and the police are awarded special powers to deal with the scourge of the far right.

Our new useful idiot ‘leader’ went further when he stated that would not allow the far-right to co-ordinate a “summer of riots” after violence spread across the country over the Southport stabbings. The violence, he said, was a “coordinated” action by the far-right, which must be met with ‘the most robust response’ in the coming days and weeks.” He has even gone so far as to demand the roll-out of facial recognition software throughout the U.K. (What’s the betting no brown-skinned rapists, murderers or jihadis will be recognised by the technology?)

The police said “This type of violent disorder is completely inexcusable [when white people do it] and forces will be using every tool at their disposal to identify those involved [unless, of course, they are foreign]. Anyone found responsible will face the full force of the law, and we will make sure our communities get justice.” Clearly, white people who are thoroughly pissed off with how their governments have treated them with contempt for decades don't count as 'communities', and certain 'communities' will only be subject to law if their imams agree.

Whenever anybody observes that we have a two-tier justice system, they are excoriated in the press and roundly condemned by those who perpetuate this obviously corrupt and highly visible practice. It appears to be assumed that anybody who votes for Labour, or the LibDems, or the Greens has to be highly intelligent, informed, thoughtful and kind. Progressive, they are, which sounds so clearly on the side of the angels that nobody in any position to do so questions their motives.

Well, of course they don’t question them, they are all cut from the same egregious cloth. Progressive is an adjective coined by groups like the narcissistically self-praising Fabians to deliberately obscure the essentially authoritarian nature of socialism. You know, Socialism, exactly as practiced by the National Socialist German Workers Party in the 1920s and 30s. And yet it is only anybody who dares question them who is labelled ‘literally Hitler’.

It is astonishing that people still fall for it, but it turns out that you have to be highly ‘educated’ to accept that the left can do no wrong and only want to bring about peace, prosperity and islam. Unfortunately, the left lacks any means of doing this because the only thing the left can ever do is boss people about… issue orders and mandates, rush to judicial intervention, dictate how people will behave, like... er, like little Hitlers.

So, I look forward to a summer (what’s left of it) of white riots. I would welcome a popular uprising and a concerted, coordinated campaign against the wilfully blind establishment. I have said since before Brexit that we are overdue for a revolution. Brexit confirmed it, then the duplicitous pretend-Tories made it even more necessary. And Keir Starmer has no idea how to contain it.

So what if we look like France for a while? What’s a few bonfired police cars in the greater scheme of things? And if it makes the poor, indoctrinated university students cower, and question their ideals, so much the better. The best result of all, of course, would be queues of muslims at all our ports, desperate to leave the country. To cure the disease, we must first remove the cause.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Things can only get... worse

The government has been consulting on the problem of political violence and trying to find a way to curb the idiocy of outfits like Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion and the like as they go about inflicting real harm to ordinary folk going about their business. I listened to an interview on PM on the drive home the other day and heard Lord Somebody-or-Other repeatedly use the phrase ‘liberal democracy’.

Intrigued, I continued listening in the hope of elucidation, but clarity came there none. Wherewith this democracy? And what does liberal mean these days because I see nothing either democratic, nor particularly liberal in a system which gives free reign to the ultra-minority of the revolting classes but quickly stomps on those who represent the needs of the masses.

Democracy, to people like Michael Heseltine, for instance, means mob rule, which would never do. Oh no, the little people need to be told what to do and how to behave, what to think and how to vote. As a result, politics has been reduced to a popularity contest, driven by attractive but meaningless soundbites. A Prime Minister tries to sell you something you already have but pretends it is something new. And in the case of defence spending, the miserly increase to less than what it was before they took office is up there with 1984's ‘increased’ chocolate ration.

The Potemkin village model has been used in every area to dress up disaster as triumph. We have drastically cut carbon emissions – by closing down industry. We have grown GDP – by increasing the population to unsustainable levels. We have improved A-Level scores – by reducing the exams to a memory test and rehearsing the answers in advance. And (hoorah!)  inflation is coming down – but of course prices keep on rising.

As for liberal, which used to mean accommodating, laisse faire, do no harm, rub along chaps, it is more often used today linked to ‘lefty’ to describe the worst of our society. Yes, the pious, holier than thou, community warrior demanding obeisance to their cause but decrying all others. There is nothing liberal about clamouring for the annihilation of Jews in Israel, no matter how many rainbow colours in your keffiyeh.

What was I saying about meaningless soundbites? Oh yes, Titchy Rishy has called a general election, but the Conservative Party couldn’t even get that right, shoving the PM out into the pouring rain to look like a drowning Roland Rat. His speech was also drowned out by some moron blaring out ‘Things can only get better’ from a mobile speaker somewhere obviously out of reach of the police (who were probably dancing to it anyway). Something of a damp squib, then.

But it all means nothing. In a world where ‘progressives’ ally themselves to the least progressive causes on the planet, where self-reliance is labelled ‘far right’, where the forever failing NHS is revered as a religion, what is the point of voting for more of the same? The meagre offering on July the 4th (stated in the correct, British English manner) is mediocrity with a red rosette or more mediocrity with a blue rosette.

Rishi Rat calls a general election

Current prospects for an enthusiastic turnout are not high. As a result, the Labour Party could enter into government with a majority of MPs but possibly their smallest ever vote count. The election will not be won in any meaningful way but is likely to be lost simply by the absence of a Conservative vote, leaving the country to be governed by a party with an absolute minority of ballots in their favour. The modern world has gone mad. It should be confined to an asylum and left to rot.