The knives are well and truly out for Truss. If it was
just the eternal opposition of Labourites this would be unremarkable. If it was
just the puffed-up pontificating of that malodorous and wretched excuse for a human
being, James O’Brien it would be business as usual. If it was just the former spin
doctor and liar-in-chief, Alastair – raging bullshit – Campbell it would be
laughed off as irrelevant, but it’s not just the usual suspects, it is
The Bank of England, the BBC, the EU, the IMF… and more
besides. There is almost a queue of people awaiting their turn to do down the
pound and in turn to unseat the fourth Conservative Prime Minister in less
than a decade. If current moods are anything to go by, we might yet have
another one before the next general election, such is the zeal for turmoil.
Chaos abounds. In every critical area you can imagine chaos and confusion is now the default mode. Name a sector – industry, energy, financials, law and order, education, health, care and society-at-large – and nowhere will you find a comforting sense of order. And so many seem to be heavily invested in perpetuating this state. Especially those who see themselves as political victims. Victims of Toryism, Trumpism, Brexit and, of course, Boris; nothing will satisfy these malcontents short of a complete collapse of everything. But their next step is unclear. You bring down the wall, perhaps, but what do you do afterwards?
It is clear that something needs to be done, that sanity
needs to be restored to our national debate. Most ordinary people still think
along the same lines we always did, but the conversation has been hijacked by those
who will not admit anything other than their own thesis. Identity politics has
split the national psyche asunder and allowed crank ideas such as critical race
theory, gender issues and hate crime rhetoric to distort every utterance. If only they were given the chance.
In every speech, every policy, every initiative there will
be something to offend somebody. And yet, instead of pushing ahead, somehow the
storm-force winds of protest manage to keep the ship in harbour. We are sunk
without a leadership with the balls to tackle all of this, and such a
leadership would be mightily cheered on by the huge majority who feel powerless
against the wokeratti.
And lest the anti-Brexit, anti-fracking, anti-oil,
anti-white, anti-Tory, anti-justice mob pretend to themselves they are doing
god’s work, let us not forget that none of them give a good goddamn for the
country. They do this entirely for themselves. It is all about them. To the
woke mob, solving any of our national problem comes secondary to the outright
rejection of anybody with whom they disagree. Democracy is the tyranny of the
majority, John Major said. Well, this is for certain the tyranny of the minorities.
We were and are warned about all of this. Douglas Murray,
Jordan Peterson, Andrew Doyle, Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Christopher Hitchens
and many others, whatever you think of them – and make no mistake, what you
think of them is most certainly influenced by the perpetrators of national
destruction – have been telling you for years. And yes, I deliberately included
Hopkins and Robinson in that list because if your reaction to their names was
revulsion, you may be a small part of the problem.
If you reject an idea, a notion, a warning, simply
because of who delivers it, or if you embrace an ideological position for the
same reasons you may be behaving rationally, but you are not behaving well. The
march of the so-called progressives has been a long one and its roots lie
centuries ago in the doctrines of Engels and Marx and it is carried on today by
the extreme left factions of the Labour and Green movements. Its agitators are
the young and foolish and the middle-aged and straight out cranky, and others like
them who will never have to suffer the consequences.
The old society may have had its faults and it may have disadvantaged certain groups whose voices needed to be heard and heeded, but the breakdown of the social order portends far worse outcomes than its perpetuation ever did. The media is a never-ending rendition of new varieties of Project Fear; Project Doom-and Gloom, Project Bring Down the PM, Project Hate the Tories, and Project Talk Down the Country. If we can just learn to ignore the naysayers, hold our noses and give Truss a chance, we might find she has something to offer. If instead we listen to the haters we will never find out.