I’m back to work tomorrow for at least a couple of days,
then very likely in full time quite soon and while I have thoroughly enjoyed
the lockdown, it will be something of a relief to return to gainful occupation.
In addition, knowing that I will be playing a larger part than most in pushing new
online, virtual ‘solutions’ means I will be one of the more important cogs in our
little machine. New ways of working should make us more productive and allow expansion
of income without having to try and cram ever more into our already crammed
It will also be a relief to get away from the madness of
Twitter and the media in general. So many people clamouring to be heard. So
many people falling prey to the worst prognostications and then, by some
curious online osmosis, making their own prophecies of doom in turn. So many clueless
pontificators, each afflicted with their own special mix of gullibility, fear
and devious sophistry; all of them putting together two and two and coming out
with whatever number they first thought of.
People like Carole Cadwalladr see devious cadres plotting
sinister world domination; the creeping tendrils of whichever organisation she
believes she has exposed this month are everywhere. Your thoughts are being
manipulated by shady capitalists who have the world’s politicians in their
pocket. But why should Catlady have the monopoly on who are the good
billionaires and who are the bad? Or are they ‘all in it together’. We need to
be told! No, actually, we don’t. People are gullible enough without being fed such
a rich diet of alarm.
The media has done its job and by repetition of the same
questions over and over again, questions which are not really questions at all,
has managed to push the credulous to doubt that the government has done anything
right at any part of the pandemic. Naturally, there is a political divide, with those broadly backing
government remaining calm and listening to the relaxation of lockdown advice.
But, if you have a hard-on for Boris, as intellectually superior as you are, it
seems you have an inordinately difficult time of grasping what ‘stay alert’
means. Odd, really, especially as just days ago you were all experts in
The new national pastime appears to be dreaming up
further inanities to put to government. “I have a niche hobby. Why has the
government not given specific advice as to whether it is safe to return to it?”
Wags have managed to re-hash the same gag, with different accents, but all
based on Vicky Pollard’s “Yeah, but no, but yeah, but…” shtick and suggesting
that ordinary people can’t grasp whether they can go back to work or not,
whether they can use public transport or not, whether they, blah, blah, blah.
But I have a suspicion that, like me, ordinary working
people are perfectly capable of staying alert and staying safe. We’ve long lost
interest in the statistics, the science, the conjecture and the blame game and
we just want to gradually return to whatever employment remains. Let’s face it,
without the private sector returning to being taxpayers, the public sector is
going to run out of money. Again. So, you’ll excuse me, I’m sure, if I continue
to not have an opinion on the government’s handling of things other than to
assume that they know far more than I do. And you’ll excuse me, please, if I
just get back to work and do my bit.
Good luck and stay safe at work Batsby.