Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Let me be clear...

They are at it again. They? You know who I mean, the grey men, the blob, those who decide, without any permissions, what is considered acceptable speech, behaviour, news, information for the hoi polloi. That’s us, the lowly classes who toil away and pay for everything though our taxes. We tolerate governance because we believe that there must be rules, there must be standards. But time and again we discover that there is not a single standard to which we are all held accountable.

Much fun has been has with the Prime Minister’s name which, it turns out can be used as a rhyme for all manner of unsavoury attributes, but the two-tier Keir monicker has taken hold because of his unerring inability to shake it off. Every time he opens his mouth that droning monotone, occasionally punctuated by failed attempts to inject human emotion, he demonstrates that he simply does not understand people. No matter how many times he tells us that he does. (His speechwriters really need to work harder.)

So, yesterday he told us all off for daring to have opinions. He berated those who had demanded more information about the Southport kid killer, Axel Rudakubana. And across social media and the press the split was as clear as day. Nigel Farage came in for abuse as seasoned lefty commentators lined up to printsplain what they had only just learned. And once again it was ‘the rule of law’. As an MP you should know this. Parliamentary privilege must not be abused. On and on it went with all the sanctimony they could muster.

Starmer went on to say that the UK faces a ‘new’ terror threat - ‘loners, misfits, young men in their bedroom accessing all manner of material online’ as if he had only just discovered the existence of the internet. Of course, islamic-inspired terrorism was played down. We must not jump to assumptions about motive, about ideology, etc. Yet he was quick out of the blocks to slate every man-jack of the frustrated demonstrators as ‘far-right’ and equally quick to bring them to ‘justice’ and promised to change terrorism laws to recognise this ‘new and dangerous threat’ if needed.

And there was that word – justice – a word which changes its definition depending on who is using it and to what purpose. The outpourings of emotion, descending into violence (although not a single person was beheaded, raped, blown up, run down, thrown from a tall building or hanged, as it happens) was a result of years of impotent frustration coming to a head over what was clearly an islamic-style attack. But, unlike the incessant violence-for-Palestine movement, those moved to protest in Southport were met with swift ‘justice’.

Now, months later, the story is that it had to be quelled because as we all know now the ‘far right’ (which has never had much success) is a far bigger threat than jihad (which has had success after bloody success) and most important of all is that we must not prejudice the legal process which demands a fair trial for the ‘alleged’ terrorist.

Can he not see why people are angry? Can he not see the clear difference between the way the criminal was dealt with, using the full protection of the law, and the way the protesters were punished with the full force of the law? And as for all these newly aware legal experts trying to slap down Farage, here’s a bit of legal advice from me; you are the problem, you are the reason this country is so fucked up right now.

Then you have idiocies like the risible Good Law project where Jolyon Maugham and his merry band of misfits repeatedly tout for the kind of legislation that makes most people sick to their stomach. There doesn’t seem to be a left-wing cause that these miserable specimens won’t advocate for. But in reality, no matter your devotion to ‘the rule of law’ we undeniably have some very bad law. You don’t get spontaneous rioting in the streets (except by the professional, organised rioters of the left) unless something is very badly wrong.

The law as it stands does not protect the free-speech and action rights of those whose speech and action do not conform to whatever ‘they’ deem acceptable. Of course I’m no legal expert, but the cautionary words of the legal professionals has done nothing to reassure a now volatile population afraid of losing everything. In fact it has done the opposite. What to do? The balance has swung too far towards the law as policy maker, which is wrong. What can we do? Get tough with the lawyers, and get tough now. And stop electing legal robots like Starmer into positions where they can ply their treacherous idiocy.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

The Greatest Show on Earth

 It’s like Christmas and New Year all over again. Whizzzz! Wasssat? It’s the sound of a lefty exploding. Aaaaargh! It’s a lefty spontaneously combusting. Phhht! The sound of a protest being snuffed out like a damp squib. And what is this I see? A supplicant, crawling along the ground on his prodigious belly to grovel at the feet of the new US President? Why, it’s David ‘the slug’ Lammy leaving a trail of obsequious slime as he rows back like Steve Redgrave on steroids to retract his previous insults. Diplomatic, my arse.

So this is Christmas, I mean the inauguration, whereby Donald Trump becomes only the second President in history to be given two non-contiguous terms. No flash in-the-pan then, as all the wise old commentators opined in 2016 and 2020. And this time ‘The Donald’ comes equipped with the full knowledge of the power he wields and the determination to see it through. His inaugural speech continued the campaign and the coming days will see a full-throated challenge to the very same ideologies which beset and cripple the UK.

Barely even stopping to say “Fuck off Joe” he got right down to work signing Executive Orders and doing more with a stroke of a pen than British governments have achieved in two decades. Even Blair’s epoch-defining, regime change took care not to rock the ‘rule of law’ boat. Trump though? If the law offends thee, pluck it out! And this is an approach we need to consider over here. I have long advocated the need for a strong, autocratic leader on the right (literally) side of the political fence. It can only be hoped that the next UK government – for there is no hope whatsoever of Starmer’s ugly pessimists stepping up – will learn lessons and get their hands as dirty as necessary.

Of course, signing orders is not the same as carrying them out and time will tell but what a smorgasbord of delight was on offer: He is scrapping the costly and damaging nonsense of DEI in government, which it can only be hoped will sweep through corporate America in rapid succession. This alone will increase productivity by measurable margins; diversity is only a ‘strength’ if it has come about through success. Even a working-class moron like me could see that from a mile away.

America for Americans sounds good for me, so border control is a necessity, as it is for the UK, if only we could rid the country of its self-imposed shame around race issues. And just imagine what we could accomplish if we only recognised two genders? There's half your HR staff rendered redundant, right there. And why should government dictate what car you can drive? If Elon’s prime mover is a better bet then people will buy it, but why prevent ordinary workers from being able to afford to get to work? Drill baby, drill – Ed bloody Miliband probably thinks that’s being down wid da hip-hop kids, innit?

And what on Earth is wrong with the death penalty, except for the hurty feels of those who fear it may be utilised to punish treason? Cop killers, child rapists, batshit mental religionists, car bombers, Christmas market drive-through killers… Caught on camera, multiple witnesses, bang to rights, why not? Because if the administration over here doesn’t get down to some righteous smiting of wrongdoers it is only a matter of time before the public will have no option but to take matters into their own hands… and vote for somebody who will.

The Trump Circus is in town.

Of course, I don’t believe for one moment that Trump is any kind of saint, but a saint would probably go about forgiving people that trespass against us all anyway, so what would be the point? And no, I don’t think he possesses any greater intellect than we see on show, but look at our universities and see where intellect has taken us. Is he a vainglorious buffoon, a clown, as the left insist? Maybe so, but this clown is also the ringmaster, the lion tamer and the high wire act as well. I wouldn’t want to bet against him.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

The Robots Are Coming!

 In 1963, Harold Wilson spoke, with as much passion as the dour Yorkshireman could muster, of harnessing the white heat of technology. He wanted Britain to become a leader once again, an industrial giant, a powerhouse, if you will. Yesterday the charisma-free, black hole of charm, Keir Starmer, brought his Wilson tribute act to the screen and told us all, to our utter disbelief that he is determined to harness the power of AI.

Harness AI? I doubt he can even spell it. It wouldn’t surprise me if he thinks it is a southern version of the Geordie, “Way aye!” Or maybe he believes it is something to with levelling up and that the north in general could benefit from a good helping of “Ey up!” Whatever, I wonder what he thinks AI really is and if he has any grasp of what he is saying. Although, I have to admit I am looking forward to having my bins emptied by AI and my drains unblocked by Robo-Rod.

As with all things political, I have absolutely no faith that any of this has been thought through. A vague statement of getting with the programme or being left behind really doesn’t cut it. Perhaps he would be advised to consult some true industry experts who can put him straight. I’m thinking of Ed Miliband… on the downside, however, that is a more likely trajectory towards net-zero intelligence.

These who cheerlead for AI are a mixed bunch: The eggheads who foresee a life of indolence and luxury as the robots do the heavy lifting. The Luddite tendency which sees forever the coming of the age of robots, as Asimov imagined, which will one day supplant humanity. The manipulators who are already using AI to spread disinformation. And, of course, the rest of us, the little people who will have no say.

Of course, the obvious immediate reaction is to question whether Starmer is a real boy at all, and not an early prototype human-acting droid. A moment’s thought, however, would dismiss that idea; Two-tier, free-gear, no-idea Keir would fail the Turin test in three sentences. Nobody would believe he was human. Every time he speaks, the part of the population over 50 sees the shrivelled being inside the boss Dalek. No wonder Starmer himself has said he prefers Davros[sic] to Westminster.

At least they have fixed the “free the sausages” bug with the latest update, but therein lies another issue. First world problem it may be, but my how we rage against yet another Microsoft update. The computer virus which is politics today is forever resetting itself, shutting down all your tabs, rearranging your interface to make it unusable (I’m looking at you, Facebook) and claiming it as an upgrade.

I asked Grok to make me a robot Keir, 
but this just looks like normal Keir to me.

Well, this time maybe we do want the upgrade. We could download government which is pragmatic and bases decisions on what will work, not on what its ideological outcomes may be. A government unbiased by its cultural preferences and one which will automate the mundane aspects of governance. Given that 650 shouting faces do not seem capable of organising a piss-up in a distillery, maybe Starmer is right. Maybe it really is time we gave the robots a go.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Give me all your women!

 In a restaurant scene in the original Blues Brothers film, Jake Blues, played by John Belushi orders chicken and then offers to buy a fellow customer’s womenfolk. “How much for your leedle girl?” he asks, “I want to buy all your women.” It is no accident that he uses a middle-eastern accent, an accent associated with islam. It conjures up ancient memories of the camel-borne sex slave trade which is still practiced today in locations as exotic and far-flung as Rochdale, Telford, Rotherham… you get it.

So why doesn’t Keir Starmer’s Barmy Army get it? Last night Labour MPs were whipped to vote against the bill for a national inquiry into the child rape/assault/murder epidemic which, despite all official efforts to say otherwise, is prevalent in areas with a large muslim population. Moreover, areas with a high proportion of interbred Pakistani muslims, many of whom were born here but seem incapable of shedding the animal urges of their true nationality.

It is notable that there are no protests from the ‘majority moderate muslim’ population, and of course there won’t be. A current contender to lead the muslim* Council of Britain – what a disgusting, stomach-churning title that is – has preached that muslims must put their faith first, before their nationality. As far as I am concerned that alone disqualifies any observant muslim from being a true British citizen, no matter how long their family has been here.

Don’t tar everybody with the same brush, certain bien-pensants may say, well fuck that. Here is a line in the sand and on one side stands Labour and the people it is protecting and on the other stands every decent person in the country. You are welcome to cross that line and join us. Abandon your stone-age faith, whether that faith be islam or socialism, or be on the wrong side. I hesitate to say ‘losing side’ because from where I am standing the odds of reversing the damage are long.

The direction of travel is still very much toward a muslim majority Europe unless actual physical means are employed to change tack. And this means arrests, convictions by the thousand) incarceration and deportation to anywhere we can send them. And deportation must be regardless of any fear for their safety; they did not regard their victims as human, why should we afford them a higher personal dignity? And don’t even start down the argument that such action makes us as bad as them.

Seriously? The rape and abuse and torture of vulnerable young girls from families already abandoned by the state; the utter ruination of young lives; the total disregard for the law; the looking away of people charged with protecting these girls. You think that punishing these people harshly makes us look bad? This is an infestation of the worst kind of vermin, spreading disease and poisoning the water; only one solution – eradication – can be effective.

The next train to Bradford is leaving from platform 1

So, yet again I find myself exhorting those disgusted by the perversions of islam and its adherents to do something. If you are a police officer, judge, social worker, politician, local authority official, teacher, anyone in a position to report and act against this behaviour then do your job. And if you are a muslim you have to decide; do you wish to forever be assumed to be a cheerleader for gang rape, or do you do the right thing? Boycott your mosque, get out in the streets in protest. Leave your faith. Anything less will be taken as evidence that you are every bit as evil as the rapists.


(*A reminder that my tiny personal crusade against islam is not to capitalise islamic references, as I don’t regard fictitious beliefs as worthy of being a proper noun.)

Friday, 3 January 2025

From Zero to Eternity

Rejoice, comrades, for the race to Net Zero has been won. Because of the natural lag in collecting, analysing and amending all the statistical data to arrive at the correct conclusion, the reaching of this milestone was overlooked at the time, but we have run the figures, and then run them again and it is now undeniable that the United Kingdom has exceeded its brave remit to become carbon zero.

In fact, it is far better than that because now that the wind turbines also suck carbon-dioxide out of the very air itself, the proliferation of atmosphere farms has turned us into a negative carbon superpower. The carbon capturing ability – and on this there can be no doubting the science – is more than enough to cancel out all of Britain’s industrial CO2 emissions. This includes all the fried chicken shops, the carbon dioxide breathed out by Deliveroo bike couriers, and all the hot air expended by Ladbrokes customers and Parliament combined.

Better yet is the now proven fact that every mile driven in an electric vehicle literally improves air quality by 50%. This means that as every Tesla Monstatruk[TM] passes you by, on your long march to the lithium mines, your lungs grow healthier with each breath you take. And for every new solar-photovoltaic panel you install, your social credit score increases by a full two percent, for which The Party thanks you.

The passing of all manufacture and information technology to the control of China has effectively put us under the protectorate of the most powerful industrial and military conglomerate on the planet. This means we are no longer beholden to the United States for defence and we have become self sufficient in Chinese energy, food and security.

And, due to this happy partnership, we are able to avail ourselves of the CCP's wonderful techniques for disseminating the good news, of which there is plenty. No longer are we bound by strictly impartial news reporting, or any of that freedom of speech lunacy which so dominated the last struggling decade before we ascended the plateau to zero. No, all that is required under the various five year plans is to announce that the plan has succeeded.

Naturally, having met all of our targets, it is imperative that the people’s committees and cooperatives set new ones. There is one downside, however. Despite the days of plenty and glorious abundance with which the telescreens are filled, some anti-party activists insist on trying to spread malicious propaganda. The weekly die-ins, at which hundreds expire from what they choose to call hunger are unseemly and undignified. And they achieve nothing.

We must resist, with every fibre of our being, those negative messages of want. There is no want; we can see this demonstrated daily on TikTok. There is no hunger; the screens are full of images of tables, groaning under the sheer weight of food. The people are happy, the people own nothing yet they own everything. And our carbon emissions targets have all been exceeded. And we know this because Comrade Miliband tells us it is so.