What did you do in the war, daddy? Not everybody had a
terrible war and many of those who fought found in themselves something they
never knew they had. Of course war is terrible, terror defines it, but it’s
also inevitable. If only somebody could come up with a doctrine with which we
could all agree. I dunno, a parable, a fable, a gospel, a message of hope and
love and peace for all mankind. Religion has tried it – and killed millions.
Politics has tried it – and killed millions. So far, practising, as opposed to
executing, the art of war and thus deterring aggression, has saved millions
more than politics or religion could ever claim.
Civilian leaders talk of unity and condemn ‘divisive’
thought and action, yet politics has grouped people along very clearly divided
battle lines and religions have shown that the love of one god before another has
division written all over it. Multiculturalism only exacerbates those divisions
– we could get along when the principle difference was a metre or so to the left
or right of our ideological divide but the complexity of increasing differentness
makes it ever more tricky working out which, or whose, side you are on. But one
thing has historically united more than it has ever split apart – love of
country and pride in its defence.
I read an article the other day, in support of the
European Union and how it was the only thing preventing war in Europe; how
generals in comfy armchairs back in HQ sent brave boys over the top to die and
how this would only begin all over again if the EU split. But now disorder and
unrest are being fomented by the actions of armchair generals in Brussels,
making unaccountable decisions and putting us all into battle against
ourselves. This isn’t any ‘rise of the right’ or petty racism from
unintelligent lumpen proles; the divisions are being stoked by the very
agencies that claim to prevent them. We may need another big war just to clear
the air.
And when that day comes – many feel it is already coming –
the only thing that will save any nation is a strong sense of unity and
national pride. After all, how can we expect the flakes and freaks of the
alternative societies to unite and bear arms against a common enemy when they
can’t even identify a common purpose amongst themselves? When the time comes it
won’t be the architects and disciples of the new Europe who will defend us, it will
be the same working class boys currently being denigrated for their ‘divisive’
views that belonging to a community with a strong national identity is not wrong.
They don't like it up 'em!
Over the top? Yes, over the top one more time to defend
the indefensible against the harm they have invited upon us all. The working
classes don’t go to war for ideology; they go to war because somebody has to do
something to end the strife caused – always – by others. The chattering gob-shites
might be grateful for a while, as they cower in their comfy bunkers,
electronically group-hugging each other on social media, but once the peace is
secured, sure as eggs they will set about dismantling it again.
Kipling wrote a poem about it.